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  1. ibreedlionheads

    Where does the Lionhead stand with the ARBA?

    They have been trying to have a successful showing at National Convention for a long time. A lot of the breeders I talk to have had judges come up to them and say that they've come so far in perfecting type on most of their rabbits (a lot of breeders have perfected their herd's type, for the...
  2. ibreedlionheads

    Travel Time

    I'm the same way. The closest breeder to me is in another state (Maryland), about 2 hours away... All the rest are on the other side of the state, or in a really far state.
  3. ibreedlionheads

    Travel Time

    This is mainly directed to breeders who show. I'm curious, how far are you willing to travel for good quality stock? The farthest I have currently traveled is just under 3 hours to a breeder who gave me a rabbit and bred her for me. How far have you traveled for your hobby? How far are you...
  4. ibreedlionheads

    Cage Aggressive Doe?

    Thanks for all the responses, everyone. I went into the cage and grabbed her head and held her down for a few seconds. My friend did this too. My doe has become a lot less cage agressive. I also just had her bred (and it was successful this time). So hopefully the breeding will calm her down...
  5. ibreedlionheads

    Uninterested Buck

    Woops, I meant parsley. :rolleyes:
  6. ibreedlionheads

    Uninterested Buck

    No problem. Sorry to sound snappy. Hmm... maybe I'll try the car ride. I've also heard that he may be overweight, and it could be the decrease in daylight hours. So I'll try to fix all of these problems. Along with feeding him celery, because apparently it increases sex drive in rabbits...
  7. ibreedlionheads

    Uninterested Buck

    Rabbits are stimulated obulators; they don't go into heat. But for the past few weeks, every time I've tried breeding him, I've stimulated the does correctly (how a breeder showed me) and he doesn't show interest.
  8. ibreedlionheads

    Uninterested Buck

    So I have a 7.5 month old buck, and he used to be like every male rabbit should, and mount every thing that moved (not actually, but you get my meaning). Now I can't get him to service any doe I put in front of him. Any thoughts? :idunno
  9. ibreedlionheads


    I'll see if they like papaya, but only a few actually eat the hay when I put it in. All of them eat grass when I allow them access to a pen I built them.
  10. ibreedlionheads


    I only feed pellets and occasionally hay (most of mine don't even eat the hay). I'll sometimes put veggies in, but some are very picky with their foods.
  11. ibreedlionheads

    Lionhead Rabbit Thread

    Looks like I'm reviving this thread. I started breeding lionheads a little over a year ago. I started with pretty terrible stock, but after a few months I acquired pretty good stock from a good breeder in MD. I only have three animals in my rabbitry right now. This is definitely my favorite...
  12. ibreedlionheads

    How should I choose which buck to keep?

    I would say keep one of the older ones and the younger one. If the younger one doesn't turn out as well as you were expecting you can always sell him and still have your nice old buck. As to which older buck to keep, I haven't a clue. I think you should consider yourself a judge for a day...
  13. ibreedlionheads

    Cage Aggressive Doe?

    Thanks! I've had her for about four or five months now, and she still does it. She's fine when you get her out of the cage, but its hard to do anything in or around her cage while she's in it.
  14. ibreedlionheads

    Cage Aggressive Doe?

    I have a cage-aggressive doe as well. She exhibits all those behaviors, except she actually tries to get you, and she has bitten me before. The breeder sold her to me without telling me that she had been sold once and returned because of her behavior. :rolleyes: