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  1. M

    Winter Kidding Watch =) Aspen's Turn Pics Pg 59 ALL DONE

    Congrats! I am home sick today so I read all 53 pages...I moved off the goat ranch and miss birthing :( So I am living vicariously through you!
  2. M

    Feed concerns

    Besides what Free said, I would email/call different feed places. I use Oxbow for my rabbit(s), and while their "normal" line isnt certified, they ARE organic, but the farms around them arent so they cant be certified. Politics, semantics, blegh. Btw, Dynamite (Marketing) is the only 100% "big...
  3. M

    *please* go and do these two things for your animals...

    I mainly deal with smaller animals, no room for anything big besides the horses! But this is why I keep every cage (bird and rodent) and have a slew of x-pens at the ready. I feel like a hoarder, but last week when I had a freshly neutered dog needing to be isolated, with two bunnies that...
  4. M

    Big Brag section for your LGD's and working dogs purebred or not :o)

    When I lived on the goat farm we had Anatolians, and I hate/love those dogs. They were ALWAYS escaping and going on to other people ranches!! I would be driving to school or polo practice, see them on some ranch and have to run through peoples ranches to get them. They would attack other peoples...
  5. M

    bad news

    In some places Giardia is incredibly easy to get, or even carry. My dog carried it, and the vet said it could have been as easy as him licking the dew off the lawn. Visit the mills yourself if you are wondering what goes into your dog food :) My nutritionist who treats me and my animals...
  6. M

    Resolved: It was Chronic Cystitis

    :thumbsup Love Royal Canin! And you are right, they are extremely high in the US their rejected chicken shipments go to Tyson Chicken :sick So glad he is doing better!
  7. M

    Who would have thought?

    Wow... So I check up on her at 1:15, they thought she had a brain abscess so they gave her penicilin and baytril, I would have had to give her injections for the next 10 days + keep her inside. At 7 I got off, came home and my mom came out of her house holding Tibbles (the non sick one) and I...
  8. M

    Anyone try using goldfish in the stock water tanks?

    I swear by the Microbe Lift products, its a bacteria specifically formulated for whatever cause is needed and is NOT harmful to anything else. You can drink it straight, and be just fine. Microbe Lift TAC is good for troughs, it takes away the organic material that is feeding the algae, as well...
  9. M

    Who would have thought?

    Last night I noticed she wasnt doing as well, so made a note to take her into the vets today. I got up at 4:30am to give the chicks water (tried to turn off the light so they would sleep, that just made them go nuts, ugh.) and tried syringing her some water. I had her upright against me, her...
  10. M

    Who would have thought?

    That I would be treating my rabbit for the bunny version of impaction colic, aka gastro stasis? This morning my mom calls me, my bunny Tilli didnt eat her morning banana chip and just sat in her hutch, while her sister Tibbles ran around. We scheduled an appointment, because not eating a banana...