That I would be treating my rabbit for the bunny version of impaction colic, aka gastro stasis?
This morning my mom calls me, my bunny Tilli didnt eat her morning banana chip and just sat in her hutch, while her sister Tibbles ran around. We scheduled an appointment, because not eating a banana chip is serious business. Her rabbit-specific vet said she didnt hear gut sounds, she has gastro stasis and went over diet with my mom. I work with animals and my coworker went to the Oxbow convention so small animal nutrition has been fresh in my mind and I told my mom we needed to change it. She ignored me (I have been super busy with my other animals) and then today the vet told her EXACTLY what I told her and she goes "oh? Really?" Boo.
So anyways, I split an x-pen down the middle, put their beds (yes, they have dogs beds and L O V E them) in their, with a litter box of hay, bowl of water and a small thing of pellets for Tibbles.
I have been giving Tilli 24cc's of critical care, with 6 ml of Mylicon, which I just realized is too small a dose...doh. She also got .15ml of medicam and 1 inch of Petromalt. I stretched her out and made her hop up the stairs.
we got two poops, and night stools appeared! Hoping for more poopies in the morning
In the meantime, Tibbles has had fun getting to hop around and cuddle on the couch, normally a treat saved for muddy/rainy days!
--Btw I am on the other 3 forums, just lurked on here--
This morning my mom calls me, my bunny Tilli didnt eat her morning banana chip and just sat in her hutch, while her sister Tibbles ran around. We scheduled an appointment, because not eating a banana chip is serious business. Her rabbit-specific vet said she didnt hear gut sounds, she has gastro stasis and went over diet with my mom. I work with animals and my coworker went to the Oxbow convention so small animal nutrition has been fresh in my mind and I told my mom we needed to change it. She ignored me (I have been super busy with my other animals) and then today the vet told her EXACTLY what I told her and she goes "oh? Really?" Boo.
So anyways, I split an x-pen down the middle, put their beds (yes, they have dogs beds and L O V E them) in their, with a litter box of hay, bowl of water and a small thing of pellets for Tibbles.
I have been giving Tilli 24cc's of critical care, with 6 ml of Mylicon, which I just realized is too small a dose...doh. She also got .15ml of medicam and 1 inch of Petromalt. I stretched her out and made her hop up the stairs.
we got two poops, and night stools appeared! Hoping for more poopies in the morning
In the meantime, Tibbles has had fun getting to hop around and cuddle on the couch, normally a treat saved for muddy/rainy days!
--Btw I am on the other 3 forums, just lurked on here--