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  1. N

    One Kit (the runt) outside the nest box

    I have had this happen many times. I always put the kit back in the nest and it survives just fine.
  2. N

    Two still born babies but still pulling fur several hours after birth

    If she were mi e I would leave nest with her for another day or two just in case. It will not hurt anything and I would rather be safe than sorry.
  3. N

    Two still born babies but still pulling fur several hours after birth

    I think she may not be done . Im sure some of the more experienced breeders will respond soon, but from what I have learned here on the forum I think she could still be in labor.
  4. N

    rabbit remains

    Vickie I take my remains to my vet because she rehabs injured wild animals. Is there anyone close to you that might be able to use remains for feeding purposes?
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    Fodder Anyone?

    I fed my rabbits fodder today for the first time. I only gave each one a small square and most of them began to nibble on it right away. Late this evening my hubby checked on them and some had eaten their entire square, some had eaten the green sprouts and left all the roots, and others had...
  6. N

    Doe unable to give birth

    I think that I would give the doe, if she were mine, one more chance. I would be hesitant to keep any of her kits if she has any more problems.
  7. N

    Will this prevent does from eating kits?

    Often first time does will neglect their kits and I have heard that occasionally they will eat them. My experience is that by the time they have their second or third litter they will be good moms. If not then they are off to freezer camp. I would not put bacon or any other meat in with my does.
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    Our first kits!

    Congratulations!, First litters are very exciting.
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    Fodder Anyone?

    Do you maintain your system at a certain temp? I read 75 degrees was optimum.
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    Fodder Anyone?

    Your fodder looks great! I was unable to find whole barley to use. Visited five feed stores and came home with whole wheat. I will transition very slowly and continue pellets during the transition. Have not heard of milo but will check that out online. I would like to have several varieties...
  11. N

    Fodder Anyone?

    I know there is at least one member posting that feeds fodder. I apologize that I forgot his/her name. I plan to start a small production of fodder this weekend and would love to compare notes with anyone else feeding fodder. From what I have been able to learn so far rabbits can be taken off...
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    I dont know anything about Florida Whites. I have NZ and Californians and they produce excellent meat rabbits.
  13. N

    meat rabbits they need

    My meat rabbits are in wire cages and do not have a place to burrow and tgey do fine.
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    It's a cat!

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    24 hour resting period...

    Thanks Jessi. I was hoping that in the refrigerator was what was meant.
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    24 hour resting period...

    So you leave your rabbits at room temp for two days? You dont worry about it going bad?
  17. N

    24 hour resting period...

    Congrats Vickie on the new grandson! Grandbabies are the best!, I have a lot better luck with getting tender meat on rabbits of all ages if they rest at least 24 hours. Doubt a few hours in freezer would change that.
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    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    Thanks for the info everyone. I love that I have something else homegrown that I can use to improve bunnies lives.
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    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    My fruit trees are just babies and havent been pruned yet. But I do have pecan trees. Would that work.
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    We dont remove food before we harvest. And we dont wet down rabbit ti skin it. Good luck with your first harvest!