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  1. L

    Building a Horse barn??

    I only have a one Saanen goat and some chickens right now, in a 10x10 barn. But I can't keep the goat from eating the chicken feed and I heard it can be bad for her. So were looking into building a barn for the goats (she's gonna have kids soon). But thinking ahead a couple years we want to...
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    How young is too young for horseback riding lessons?

    My sister-in-law took her grandaughter for riding lessons because she loved horses so much. She was 5 when she started. Most of the kids in her group were about her age. She's been going for 3 years now and loves it. They particapate in the local parades now and everything. So it might now...
  3. L

    Anyone ever tried the Udderly EZ Milker for goats

    Thanks that's good to know Pepper
  4. L

    Fencing thru wooded area

    I agree with the electric fence but what about the wooded area, we put up one on top of our chainlinc to keep our Huskeys from jumping the fence to get to the goats and chickens works like a charm, the only problem is the woods around us. I'm constintly have to pull the limbs and vines off of...
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    Anyone ever tried the Udderly EZ Milker for goats

    I'm new to this whole goat thing and while I'm hoping my doe has babies soon, still not sure if she got pregnant or not. Don't really know what to look for?? Our Buck got into her pen the end of Aug. We separated them again but I don't know if he got her or not. We were hoping to wait a...
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    Very agressive buck

    That's what I thought. So either way it wouldn't do to keep him around, because I couldn't use him again next year if I wanted to breed his daughter, (hopping we have a girl this year). I would like to have a small herd someday. I haven't found any books that talk about family lines or such...
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    Very agressive buck

    Our Buck (Buddy) was 2 and half mos. old when we got him from a lady down the street. He was not bottle fed and it took us about another 2 mos. to get him to come to us. After that he was pretty friendly. I yelled at my son-in-law and husband all the time because they thought it was cute to...
  8. L

    Want to breed for Mini Saanen

    Kind of new to goats, only had them for a year now. I've been thinking in the near future that I would like to try and breed for mini Saanens. I was wondering if anyone had tried this. I have a purebreed Saanen doe and I'm thinking of breeding her next fall with a Nigerian Dwarf buck. I...
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    Very agressive buck

    Thank you all, I'm probably just gonna keep him another month or so until Lucy his mate has the baby or babies. They are in pens next to each other so they aren't lonely but he still tries to get to hear. I'm afraid he might hurt her at this point in her pregnancy. If things get better with...
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    Very agressive buck

    I thought about keeping another male but was afraid they might fight. Weve been thinking of spliting them up a bit more. We should be having some kids in a couple months maybe that will help. Thanks for the help again Pepper
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    Very agressive buck

    He's done his good deeds for this year, but was hoping to keep him. My husband said to get a cattle prod to keep him off of me but I was afraid that it would make him madder. Thanks
  12. L

    BUCKS STINK!! Well whacha' gonna' do 'bout it?

    This is my first year to having goats, I bought a book and I've read all your posts but when my doe went into heat this fall I kept waiting for this smell I keep hearing about and I never got it. I have a pair of Saanens in pens right next to each other. I don't know if it's the breed or what...
  13. L

    Very agressive buck

    Is there anything I can do for my Saanen buck. When he was younger he was fine very playful with everyone buck the last couples months he has just gotten worse. He just turned a year old on the Dec 29th. I can no longer go in his pen without him chasing me and ramming me with his horns. The...
  14. L

    Saanens- A few questions!

    I have a couple saanens that hopefully with have some kids early this spring. I read somewhere that dairy goats usally start there heat cycles in Aug-Dec. But some times if you have a buck on site they could go into heat a little earlier. And my buck and doe will do anything to get to each...
  15. L

    How can I tell if my Saanen is PG or not??

    I'm new to goats this year. I have a pair of Saanens that have been together most of the time since I got them. I seperated them in June because the female was only 6 mos. But in the middle of Aug. the male kept breaking through the fence and getting back in her pen. They are so cute...
  16. L

    breeding a mini Saanen

    Can I ask you how you found a mini Saanen. Do you know what breeds were used to make her breed. Never heard of this breed. I have one male 9 mos. and one female 6mos. that I'm keeping separate for the time being. I was told the best the to breed them would be when she was atleast 8 mos - year...