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  1. F

    New Guy

    :welcome I'm new too, but I thought I would say hi! :frow
  2. F

    We're new!

    Thank you norseofcourse!
  3. F

    Boys VS girls

    74 Not sure, but us woman are here! ;)
  4. F

    We're new!

    Oh my gosh, what cute fluff balls! :love I so understand about praying and leaving it in God's hands. That's exactly what my hubby and I are doing for this big farm that we are talking about. I bet you can't wait to actually get your hands on those cute white babies. Thank you for putting your...
  5. F

    We're new!

    Thank you Devonviolet! Well I appreciate your 1-1/2 cents, even though I'm sure you know way more than me! :) So I think your selling yourself short. Well we haven't bought it yet. We want to make sure this is going to be what we can afford and make a living before we go through with it! As of...
  6. F

    We're new!

    Wow, that's so awesome! I know that everyone does thing's their own way, I just love to learn what people are doing. Plus it will give me ideas for if this all gets to happen. I can picture thing's, rather then get there and think holy crap, what did we do! lol Thank you for taking time out to...
  7. F

    We're new!

    How is your German Shepherd? I would really like to stay with Rottweiler, as that is my favorite breed. But so many people are saying to go with a German Shepherd. That is great! I think if we ever do get a lgd or lgd's if they want to come into the house when they are allowed, we will let them...
  8. F

    We're new!

    Thank you purplequeenvt! We will have the cows, horses, and chickens at first. But we want to get sheep, pigs, and ducks. Just to start off we would like to feed our family, and then enough to sell. Of course if there is a market for it! We are both very excited and yet stressed to the max with...
  9. F

    We're new!

    Thank you goatgurl! We want sheep and pigs too. At first, it'll be the cows, and chickens. Oh and a ton of deer! (they are wild) Well that would be a great thing, lgd. The man that lived their now said he gets coyotes and has heard other farmers say they've seen cougar. Katie sounds like a good...
  10. F

    We're new!

    Thank you Whisperer!
  11. F

    We're new!

    That again makes so much sense. So how do they do with family dogs? The ones that do live with the family in the house? I am a big sucker when it comes to dogs. I have always had one by my side.
  12. F

    We're new!

    Well that's good to know! As knowing me, if no one replied to a question, I would think it was a dumb questions I asked. (if no one replied lol) Wow, I can't thank you enough for all the great advice you gave us! My hubby and I are taking what other people say with experience very seriously. So...
  13. F

    We're new!

    Thank you. Yeah sorry one thing I hate about being new to thing's. Sorry to everyone. I just thought since we had so many questions, we could just put them in on spot. That's what I get for wanting to do it the quick way. Sorry everyone! I noticed that and I appreciate you responding, thank you...
  14. F

    We're new!

    Thank you southern by choice. Oh my what beautiful dogs! Yeah we are excited and yet so scared. Wow, are yours the kind that stay out in the field? We want dogs that are also apart of our lives, and yet protect the animals on the farm too. Yeah it was really hard, he was our baby! Thank you for...
  15. F

    We're new!

    What a cute name! Oh ok great thank you!
  16. F

    We're new!

    Thank you! What a cute pic kinder.
  17. F

    We're new!

    My husband and I are wanting to get all the info we can get from you great people! Do any of you grind your own coffee/flour/peanut butter? If so what kind of mill do you use? What kind of farm dog would you suggest? We have a rotti now. Do you know of any good books or forums to find out about...
  18. F

    What is your 'pure joy'?

    Spending time with my animals. I can have the worst day ever, and just watching them, petting them, or yes even talking to them helps me out so much!
  19. F

    We're new!

    We were also wondering, what kind of dogs do you guys like to have on the farm? We have a rotti, and just had to put our border collie/golden retriever down. =( He was 13 and the best dog ever. We are wanting to get a good farm dog. Any suggestions?