New Guy


Just born
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
I am new to farm animals and new to Boer Goats which I now have three of. A buck and two does. I have a good sturdy shelter and fenced outdoor area for them, plus a 9 acres more to take them out in that is not fenced. The area has lots of oak trees, which they seem to love, and other plants for them to forage. I am reading Storey's Guide to Raising Meat Goats, and have learned a little bit online but am very green to all of this. So far my goats are eating well and seem to be enjoying there new environment. The younger doe, who is about 10 months old has been sneezing, but is otherwise healthy and the most adventurous of the group. The buck is also 10 months and the other doe is about 1 1/2 years old. The youngest doe has been easiest to control but the other two have been much harder than expected. I had an adventure trying to get collars on the three of them, and wonder how I will be able to get them comfortable enough to let me trim their hooves and vaccinate them etc. I don't think they were handled much when with their previous owners so I hope time and more handling will help the situation. I also am feeling unprepared because I still need to get a first aid kit, birthing kit, and find a vet that treats goats. So far having lots of fun but a little overwhelmed.....I will be reading through the frums trying to soak up all of the info.!

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Welcome from North Carolina!

The goats will come around. I have tamed goats that were never handled... They are lovebugs now :) Will they eat out of your hand?

Try putting a towel over their eyes when you need to trim hooves, it helps calm them.

The doe that sneezes... Does she have green snot?
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Welcome to the forum! Lots of goaties here that will be delighted to help you with anything you need.


Just born
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for all of the welcomes and hellos! The last few days the goats took strides and are getting much more comfortable! I was able to take them on a short hike yesterday where they got to climb and jump on rocks and forage! It was fun for all of us and with some encouraging, I was able to get them to follow me there, and all the way back. The best trick I read and put to use was to use the command "come" and start running resulting in them running with me; that worked twice when they weren't following me at first. I was able to put them on a lead and tie them to a tree in order to brush them. They hated being apart, even just 25 yards, but I was able to calm them down and brush them and check them out after they relaxed. I also got some training in by walking to the opposite side of the pen and saying "come" and having them eat some grain out of my hand; two of the three were responsive.

Goat Whisperer,
They do eat out of my hands, and two of them respond to the command "come" to eat out of my hand about half the time. The only time they will let me near them is if they think I have food; if I don't, they sniff my hand then back off. No snot when the doe sneezes, and she is not sneezing anymore. Do goats get colds that pass just like us? The buck has sneezed a couple of times over the last couple days that I have noticed but is otherwise healthy as far as I can tell. Thanks for your response!