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  1. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    Good point, thank you so much , I have taken this on board! She is shoe/slipper/foot mad at the moment and you are right, I don't really want this forever.
  2. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    This is Poppy, 9 weeks old, my new house mate white lab:love She is such a star, has slept all night in her crate since I got her and chews everything. I have introduced her to the sheep daily, holding her in my arms as I can't put her down yet as she is not fully immunised. 3 of the 4 sheep...
  3. Girlies' Mum

    Was offered some sheep..

    My biggest darling, Blackberry (my current avatar) can open plastic feed bins that are sealed. She hits the side of the plastic bin with her head till the cover pops off then uses her teeth to fully remove it. She can also open gates (that have just a chain) which is simply a pain! Not...
  4. Girlies' Mum

    Was offered some sheep..

    There are lots of things about commercial farming that break my heart, despite the fact that my neighbour is definitely one of the most welfare conscious farmers - indeed his wife is a vet. The main reason I helped was initially to get lots of sheepie experience quickly so I wasn't so ignorant...
  5. Girlies' Mum

    Was offered some sheep..

    I hasten to add I don't personally lamb all 2000! Indeed my presence is a bit of a drop in the ocean, but I do lamb so many I lose count, that's for sure. Maybe 4 in an hour at "peak" times if everyone else has gone for lunch! Most of the care is welfare feeding and watering the Mums and...
  6. Girlies' Mum


    Wow I had no idea there were so many ways to manage this problem! I will have fun looking on Amazon US and see if i can maybe justify something. Going to be freezing and snow all week this week apparently.... And you are right about the ice becoming a muddy mess!
  7. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    Yeah, so pleased for you and her!!:weee:celebrate
  8. Girlies' Mum

    Was offered some sheep..

    Agree! The commercial farm I help lambing with, we try to get all the (2000) sheep inside in pens before they lamb (and they come in at night if possible) but inevitably we have a few surprises in the fields. The ewes most commonly lamb up against the stone wall that is sheltering them best from...
  9. Girlies' Mum

    Why Join Our BackYardHerds Community - Hey You Lurkers!

    I joined because I wanted to be able to ask and share with like minded people! I live in the middle of commercial sheep farming country and (as some of you lovely sheeple know now!) I have 4 pet sheep. Kind of lonely when the farmers have a totally different attitude. My neighbour farmer was a...
  10. Girlies' Mum


    A query I've been curious about for a while to all you guys that have very cold winters. Where I live in Scotland it goes down to freezing about 20% of winter (maybe less), I guess, so mild in comparison I am also by the sea which keeps it warmer). I break the ice on the water for my sheep...
  11. Girlies' Mum

    Was offered some sheep..

    Hi, will leave the practicalities to all the experts you have here already - I would just reiterate don't poison them with copper supplements for the goats. I am posting to say that pet sheep are quite special if they have been brought up that way - delightful, intelligent loving creatures (I...
  12. Girlies' Mum

    Kia Ora from Kiwi-land

    Welcome from a Brit and her four beautiful sheep in Scotland! :frow. I would add the guys on this site are fantastic at advising on well... seems like everything, between them!
  13. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    So glad!!:)
  14. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    Thank you so much for your advice and reassurance Beekissed. I will do my best with the training!
  15. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    Thank you one fine acre - that is really encouraging.
  16. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    I really do hope little Ruby can get better, she is such a sweetie. You have so many experts to help you too (not me, as I said before, I'm sheeple). But I did have a much loved sheep with similar anaemia and debility etc, as I described before. My wee Bramble went through all kinds of tests...
  17. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    Have ordered it from Amazon!
  18. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    Thanks so much everyone for your encouragement and good suggestions. Its kind of what I thought, which is why I posted before I even got her. She will be out helping me from day 1(well, she might still be in my arms, but she will meet them). Point taken also re treats - My last dog got very...
  19. Girlies' Mum

    Sheep and dogs! Help please

    I am about to get a very cute new Labrador retriever puppy who will be nine weeks old when she arrives. We don't have LGDs here in the UK as we don't have any serious predators, so it is not common for dogs to need to be left unsupervised with sheep. (Sheepdogs usually have their owner yelling...
  20. Girlies' Mum


    I agree with babsbag. I know nothing about goats, but in humans and some other species I would have no worries about adding in Penicillin. (I am "sheeple" really, but they get listeria too, as do humans)