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  1. Girlies' Mum


    Glad you seem happier with the new vet. If your goat has listeria, it is essential she gets the correct antibiotic as well, in a big enough dose. Hopefully your vet has been able to advise whether the first advice (of 3 days Gentamicin IM) is enough. i am a bit concerned about this. I confess.
  2. Girlies' Mum

    Feeding Lambs

    Same for me - I have a crinkly plastic bag - which I put their sheep feed in each day and they come running. Also small blue buckets are the norm for feeds round here on the farms but I swear it is genetically imprinted that all Scottish sheep respond to blue buckets, taught or not!
  3. Girlies' Mum


    I think that might be a good thing to do. Good luck. Do let us know how she does.
  4. Girlies' Mum

    Feeding Lambs

    Thinking it through, if you are giving them pasture and unlimited amounts of hay (and a mineral lick), I don't see why they need sheep feed at all, unless they are looking thin. (The mineral lick must be for sheep specifically as licks for other animals may have too much of the wrong minerals...
  5. Girlies' Mum


    I think this may be a bit unusual.I have checked the "MSD Veterinary Manual" on line and it says:- "Recovery depends on early, aggressive antibiotic treatment. If signs of encephalitis are severe, death usually occurs despite treatment. L monocytogenes is susceptible to penicillin (the drug of...
  6. Girlies' Mum

    Feeding Lambs

    Hard to advise not knowing what pasture you have. We give about 400g sheep feed/sheep/day if necessary in the winter in the UK when there is no grass growing at all, as a supplement to hay /silage but you may never have this situation in Fla. Sheep adore sheep feed concentrate and will eat...
  7. Girlies' Mum


    We get it quite commonly from silage/haylage bales which have not been packaged completely airtight, or have been opened too long. Neurological signs including going to one side (which could be circular walking, i guess)
  8. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    She's very beautiful - and i am a sheep person! So glad she's improving.
  9. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    Sorry, Scotland (UK)!
  10. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    very interesting.Thank you.
  11. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    I would agree liver fluke or cocci are both probably more likely, least ways in my population they would be. Do you routinely de-fluke twice or more yearly like we do? If preventative de-fluking up to date, maybe less likely. Cocci classically shows blood in stools though - though can be just...
  12. Girlies' Mum

    Anemic doe

    Hi, I lost my beloved pet sheep Bramble, aged 4 and a half to mycoplasma haemovis in September. She was always small, and had a relapsing anaemia for over a year. The mycoplasma causes the red cells to self destruct. You can sometimes see red /dark urine as breakdown products, not always...
  13. Girlies' Mum

    Pneumonia in sheep & goats ...!

    The most important thing that is emphasised in the UK is prevention, as much as possible, by ensuring that sheds and indoor accommodation is very well ventilated e.g. have a shelter with only 3 walls and a roof, rather than enclosed.
  14. Girlies' Mum

    Hello from Scotland!!

    Hello and welcome! Like you I look forward to hearing about other countries' sheep. I love the picture of the very beautiful sheep you posted. What type is it? Don't they get hot in the summer with the wool? Do you have to shear them very frequently? I am going to Oman soon - do they have...
  15. Girlies' Mum

    Foot & mouth disease...!! Information

    I can remember the last FMD in the UK in 2001 (I think it was). It was really, really awful. Now accepted that the UK is FMD free. Will never forget it. So, so sad. For the livestock and their owners, both emotionally and financially. Terrible, terrible illness. Please God I never see it again.
  16. Girlies' Mum

    Hello from Scotland!!

    Oops,how embarrassing - told you I had a lot to learn!! So that's what an angora looks like...she's lovely.
  17. Girlies' Mum

    Hello from Scotland!!

    Thank you, delighted to hear it ;), but I think you have some fascinating sheep! What is the very cute one in your picture... Please don't tell me its a goat, though it does have an alpaca type top knot!:)
  18. Girlies' Mum

    Hello from Scotland!!

    Yes, very good judgement, about a third of the size - my big girls are about 200lb and the wee'uns are about 60-70lb! Gets interesting at feed time, but the wee 'uns dodge and weave....! I gather that Shetland size depends a bit on how hardy they have to be and in lush places (like southern...
  19. Girlies' Mum

    Hello from Scotland!!

    Yes - They are tiny, very hardy, very active, enjoy poor quality grass and foraging and come in many colours - mine are about 60-70lbs, fully grown. This is them meeting the big girls for the first time! Mine are also very friendly. Thank you for the welcome!
  20. Girlies' Mum

    Hello from Scotland!!

    Wow, so many different countries to learn about, I find the differences so interesting. Thank you. A friend sent me a picture of a sheep in the deep Amazon jungle belonging to a tribe there! This is just the forum to ask if anyone knows what breed - nothing we have in Scotland, that's for sure...