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  1. oaksandiron

    Lump in udder

    Thanks, all, for your replies! I ended up taking a sample to the vet for culturing, which came up with practically nothing. He is scratching his head and wants to see her; I am not convinced of the benefit vs expense if she is fine in all other aspects. We will probably bite the bullet and...
  2. oaksandiron

    Lump in udder

    As a reminder, I am a newbie goat keeper. I bought an ND doe in milk about a month ago, she was my first goat to milk and learn on. I probably was not milking her out all the way at first, but I am confident that I am now. (Hand milking) She is a 2 y.o. FF. I noticed yesterday that her udder...
  3. oaksandiron

    Questions about milk & cream

    I think the answer probably is going to be, as in all things, "it depends." I am going to tell you a relatively brief story to illustrate: I am new to keeping goats and sheep. DH and I are working hard to get everyone set up for winter, and doing it in the midst of breeding season. Last...
  4. oaksandiron

    Crunchy Junk and Dandruff on ND Doe

    Yes, although I never see her eat them. Meatmaker.
  5. oaksandiron

    Crunchy Junk and Dandruff on ND Doe

    Hi, all, I have a 2 y.o. doe I purchasec about a month ago, along with her 5 month old FF kids, who were not nursing and mom was dry. She was not picking up condition, and a fecal egg count was morbidly high. She survived, her fecal egg count recheck was zero, her FAMACHA score is back to...
  6. oaksandiron

    Doe close to kidding is going off feed, pregnancy toxemia/ketosis?

    I know this is an old thread, but I am new to goat breeding and am here to learn. Your loss may very well be someone else's gain, thank you for sharing, and very sorry for your loss.
  7. oaksandiron

    If not ADGA, then what?

    That sounds pretty logical! I have to keep reminding myself that this is my season of discovery. Frankly, breeding and milking goats may not stay on my list; so far I love handling the sheep so much better!
  8. oaksandiron

    Does she look pregnant?

    Thank you for that info! And apologies to the OP for the highjack.
  9. oaksandiron

    Does she look pregnant?

    How do you save colostrum at kidding time and be sure the kids get what they need? I want to do this this Spring.
  10. oaksandiron

    Questions about milk & cream

    Oh, my gawd, it was the FIRST thing my girls did with their cattle panel hoop house! I am talking 30 seconds. Stomped it to bits. :barnie h Girl, NOBODY keeps up with goats. :lol:
  11. oaksandiron

    Cydectin and Safeguard Milk Withdrawal Period

    Thank you VERY much for your reply! So I will take the vet's advice a step further and spot-treat the palest FAMACHAs or lesser condition. Do you know what the withdrawal time actually is for both of the chemicals I am using? I am definitely still milking, just pouring it down the drain. :(...
  12. oaksandiron

    Questions about milk & cream

    Dis laomer: I have not read through the whole thread, yet. I have 4 goats in a cattle panel pen 16x16, and it was destroyed in one day. I did not intend for mine to be mobile, however, it is more like a last ditch effort to keep my naughties confined. It is electrified along the inside...
  13. oaksandiron

    Cydectin and Safeguard Milk Withdrawal Period

    (edited for typos) Hi, all, I am giving a fair amount of background info, but there are actual questions should you hang in there and read to the end! I have been working closely with my vet to work out an effective deworming regimen for the animals I have on the land I have. One of my new...
  14. oaksandiron

    Introducing Myself

    This is SO true! I am fond of telling people that my heart horse helped teach me to be fully human. My goats are teaching me patience, and to think ahead. My sheep are teaching me the value of controlling my reactivity. My LGD is teaching me that I have a lot to learn yet.
  15. oaksandiron

    Introducing Myself

    Not a problem for me, I hate auctions! Facebook "resource" groups are my nemesis. I stopped looking. I keep telling myself. "You need more hay more than you need more goats!"
  16. oaksandiron

    Introducing Myself

    😂 Well said! And so true! Your words about deciding on breeds ring particularly true, since I am struggling to stop buying animals. Those words of wisdom were exactly what I needed to hear today!
  17. oaksandiron

    If not ADGA, then what?

    Thanks, will try to do that. None of my goats set up, do I will do my best.
  18. oaksandiron

    If not ADGA, then what?

    This does beg another question: is there a place here in the forums that I could post pics of my goats for conformation analysis? I am not one to get my feelers hurt, and it is the best way for me to learn about "real life" conformation.
  19. oaksandiron

    If not ADGA, then what?

    This makes sense, all of it. I am still learning good conformation and how to judge udders, so I think the easy answer is to just skip the rehistration altogether, and when I am ready to deal in registered animals I can be a lot more deliberate and educated about it.