Search results

  1. CoffeeCow


    I'm in Penrose, a bit south of the springs. I have an uncle in Longmont (north of denver) that we visit frequently, so as long as you are between those locations, we should be good =)
  2. CoffeeCow


    Know anyone with some Nubians? We don't need registered papered or show stock... just a pair of milkers.
  3. CoffeeCow


    And he is a unicorn too =) I have no desire to have a buck, but If you wind up keeping him, I may see if I can give him a girlfriend for a day =) We are looking for a pair of nubians to milk. I don't mind Lamanchas, but the wife has a thing about the ears... (and honestly, I like ears too) The...
  4. CoffeeCow


    Glad you found someone to help. Sorry, but I don't know anyone in need of a buck. I hope everything goes well for you.
  5. CoffeeCow


    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz, What kind of goats are they? I know a guy in Longmont that may be able to assist. I will give him a call. He has Boers and one nubian that he milks
  6. CoffeeCow


    Welcome! I am just west of Pueblo. We have just moved here, we brought our pair of pygmy/boer crosses with us (From NC). and we will be getting a pair of Nubians or Lamanchas to milk. We just got six chicks from Tractor Supply (in canon City). and will be ordering some from a hatchery soon. I...
  7. CoffeeCow


    My wife is a veterinarian as well (Small animal practice, but she has branched out to cover our animals), she is working in the Springs. Thanks for the info =)
  8. CoffeeCow


    Things didn't go as planned on our move, but I think it has all worked out in the end. We found a house in Penrose, CO. (About half way between Canon City and Pueblo West) It's an old farm house built in 1920, and has 5 acres with it. The field is planted in alfalfa hay and yields about 8 tons...
  9. CoffeeCow

    our move from NC to CO with the goats

    It was a pretty good trip actually.. the goats were very happy the entire trip. we did get a few looks at some gas stations, but thats all. here they are before the trip. and here we are at a rest stop along the way and here they are in their new home, in quarantine and pretty scared...
  10. CoffeeCow

    We had a nice sled for Christmas day, check it out

    We are at the wifes uncles farm, he has 7 goats, 14 sheep, 12 or so cows and various assorted chickens and geese. The sheep are lambing now (one is in process now, she just had twins, waiting on placenta or another lamb... she was huge) and 4 of the goats are due any day as well. the pic...
  11. CoffeeCow

    We had a nice sled for Christmas day, check it out

    This is dandelion, she is a great little gal =) The kids had a blast behind her.
  12. CoffeeCow

    Baby names for future babies

    our two are named from the kids favorite show "Phineas and ferb" my uncle named his all after flowers. find something you like and use it.
  13. CoffeeCow

    Thinking of getting goats

    We have a pair of boer/pygmy crosses (they probably hve more than just the 2 breeds in them) and they are wonderful little yard dogs. they love attention. we got them after they were weaned from their mom. and the guy we got them from really didn't do anything besides feed his goats. They were...
  14. CoffeeCow

    Coyote problem. Is a LGD right for me?

    Alice, (I hate to barge in on this thread, but I have similar concerns as the OP) We have been looking into llamas ad guardians as well, Could you give me any advice as to what type / gender / age / number of llamas to get ? They will be looking after a herd of goats, and possibly a few cows...
  15. CoffeeCow

    What guardian would be best for this situation?

    I am not too concerned about feed, but llamas would eat the same as my goats. The main concern I have about a dog is... well, we love animals, and I have never had an outside dog before. All our dogs are family members, and sleep in the house, and go hiking with us... I know we would be...
  16. CoffeeCow

    What guardian would be best for this situation?

    As many of you in the goat section know, we are about to move to Colorado. There are a lot of new predators out there that we do not have in our current location. They have a lot of coyote, foxes, skunks (we do not have skunks here in eastern NC) etc.. First, I'll tell you what animals we have...
  17. CoffeeCow

    How do you "get your goat"?

    We use two large dog crates now. but the day we got our goats was interesting... We had ordered the dog crates, and later that evening, the guy giving us the goats said to come get them. We had to think of something fast(luckily the guy only lives about 3 or 4 miles from us). We grabbed the...
  18. CoffeeCow

    Dexter Vs. Jersey

    We weren't planning on getting a bull, We will try the AI approach. The children are still very young, so we are planning on getting young calves and raising them around the kids. I know that means a long time before we can get milk, but I think it will be better to have a few great milk cows...
  19. CoffeeCow

    Dexter Vs. Jersey

    Hey, I frequent the goat section here, but we are interested in getting a couple of cows when we move. We are getting 40 acres, so room for a few cows is not a problem. We want to have a milk cow for the family, as well as raise a few calves for beef, again just for our family of four. we...
  20. CoffeeCow

    An extremely funny paper on Goat's Eyes

    Fixed the link for you.