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  1. B

    Any must-have goat books?

    I got an Amazon gift card for Xmas and am just now getting around to spending it. I'd like to pick up some goat reading to stoke my enthusiasm for a few more months before I actually bring goats home. My library has Storey's Dairy Goats so I've already read that, as well as Sue Weaver's...
  2. B

    Choosing a breed for a small property

    CrownOfThorns, you're my new hero! I just bookmarked all your links. I'm definitely going to be very choosy about who I get my stock from. I've got a few breeders in mind whose websites, at least, go into detail about their disease testing and milk production. I'm still pretty clueless about...
  3. B

    Fencing -- size, type? Gates? Also, goats & chickens?

    The plan is that the chickens will have their own coop that the goats won't be able to get into, but they'd share an outdoor pen. So that should keep the goats out of the chicken feed and away from the eggs. I think maybe I'll try it -- worst case, I find it doesn't work and move the chickens...
  4. B

    Fencing -- size, type? Gates? Also, goats & chickens?

    Wannabe newb goat owner here, again. First question: everything I've read so far suggests goats and chickens can be penned together without problems, so long as the goats don't have access to the chicken feed. Is this true in real life as well as on paper? :) It would make my life simpler...
  5. B

    Choosing a breed for a small property

    Thank you all so much for the tips! I'm still leaning towards the NDs, I think. The couple of you who mentioned it, you're probably right that I could easily fit two standard-size does, but well... knowing my propensity to keep "just one more" maybe allowing for an extra goat or two in the...
  6. B

    Choosing a breed for a small property

    In less than two months (counting down!) we are moving to a small property, about one acre. It may not be much by some standards but it is OURS, paid in full! I know I'm getting chickens -- I've had chickens before and miss them terribly. I'm also considering adding goats, for milk mostly...