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  1. C

    Sheeps saying hello!

    Again quesrtioning why sheep weren't in my original farm plan. They are too adorable!!! (Now I must remind myself of how good lamb tastes, so they will actually end up at the butcher and not me with a lot of pets.) :fl
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    Cows and Sheep

    Hi Karin -- Thank you. I had to put farm plans on hold for a minute but I'm back in the planning stages. I dont know why sheep never crossed my mind before as much as I love lamb.:P It's great to be back and get some awesome information Chenyn
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    Other Animals - And lots of newbie questions

    This is awesome information!!! I am totally excited! OK more questions: Approximately how much should I expect to pay for ewes? Also, (forgive the ignorance) what's a wether? If I started with 4 ewes would they be enough to keep a ram happy? Or should I prepare to have one or the other...
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    Other Animals - And lots of newbie questions

    Thank you for the information. According to your breed selector Texels would be best for me. I think they're cute and will go with that recommendation. Does it make a difference that I'm not trying to have a for-profit farm? My plan for my farm is strictly self-sustainability, so any...
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    Cows and Sheep

    Bad idea? Or will they be good together? When I purchase cows, I'm thinking a bred cow and a heifer (possibly bred) and I haven't decided if I'll simply get 2 ewes or a ewe and a ram. Any information will be helpful. Thank you
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    Other Animals - And lots of newbie questions

    Hello, I'm farm planning and I'm considering sheep (I LOOOOOVE lamb) in addition to cows and pigs. Can sheep be pastured with either and would a donkey be an appropriate livestock guardian for sheep? I have a ton of sheep questions: How long do they stay pregnant? I'm going to have a very...
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    Donkeys as Livestock Guardians

    Hi, I've read a couple of threads about this and I'm feeling the idea of having a donkey as a livestock guardian. I guess my biggest question would be which animals would they be appropriate for? I'm planning to have cows and pigs and recently decided sheep would be a fun animal to have as...
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    Hay and Straw?

    Visually, I can't tell the difference. I know hay is for eating and straw is for bedding, but how can one tell the difference between the two?
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    My beef is tough!

    Yeah!!! I'm figuring this farm thing out! :celebrate
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    My beef is tough!

    I'm no expert by any means but i would thin that if you only have one or two cattle five acres should be plenty if it is mostly pasture. :hide I'm positive I'll be corrected if I'm wrong.
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    Court convicts raw milk farmer on appeal

    X3. I thought I became an adult with freedom/freewill at some point. I didn't realize that when I moved out of my birth mommy's house, I moved into government mommy's house. :barnie
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    Can cattle and pigs be pastured together?

    This is why I'm asking questions before I have my farm. it never occured to me that donkeys would attack calves or the pigs. After reading article about the cows attacking the bear, I feel better, so I guess the donkey is out. I'm not really all that broken up about it; one less thing to have...
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    Can cattle and pigs be pastured together?

    I asked this in the cattle forum but sometimes pigs people don't read cattle posts, so I'm reposting here: Would cattle and pigs consider each other to be company? Or would I still need two cows and two pigs? Also, I'm considering getting a donkey as an LSG? All thoughts and opinions are...
  14. C

    Can cattle and pigs be pastured together?

    Would they consider each other to be company or would it be better to have two cows and two pigs? Ay, yi. much to learn. Also I'm considering a donkey as an LSG. Open ears....learning time! :D
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    Research Part Two -- the hay questions

    I live in Central Arkansas. I think for my farm I'd like to have two acres to produce hay (what kind is yet another question - I've read that Orchardgrass or Ryegrass with Oats would be good) and three to four acres to pasture my cattle and pigs on. I was told that hay can be kept for a...
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    Never heard of Gascons before. They're very pretty. This is why I must research before I can own. I hope you find a breeder.
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    Wanting t get a breeding pair of pigs for a few purposes ....

    At the Berkshire farm I just visited, he was selling them for for less. The younger they are, the cheaper. Newly weaned were $25. But most are in the $50 range.
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    Breed Associations

    There are two breeds of pig I am considering for my farm and I have come across a very interesting situation... I recently visited a Berkshire pig farm. They are adorable and I really liked the breeder. He takes very good care of his animals and I feel that not only would I be getting getting...
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    Totally STOKED!!!!

    I just got an email from a gentleman who is milking his Red Poll! Apparently my idea is not as farfetched as I was starting to think. Here is the email: "Hi Chenyn, I milked our red poll cow for about 18 weeks this spring and summer at our farm in the Finger Lakes of upstate New York USA...
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    Getting my cows today!!

    Believe it or not, I'm not arguing with experience; I do respect the advice given on this forum or I wouldn't continue posting here. All I was saying is that one shouldn't thrown the baby with the bath water. As jhm47 said, only 5% of bulls are deliberately dangerous. 75% of them are...