Search results

  1. CYGChickies

    I've sold.. 0 rabbits (help!?)

    Yikes that sounds like fun. :/ Maybe some breeders won't mention they're breeding because they're afraid you won't sell then? Maybe that kind of attitude is mostly dogs and cats--so competitive. Anyway I was thinking and perhaps rabbit sales are down because it's vacation and back-to-school...
  2. CYGChickies

    Grooming mats out of a lionhead?

    Out of our Lionhead herd only four of them take to brushing without throwing at least a small fit. We have never had mats on ours and only brush them once or twice a week. We do mist them everyday but I don't know if that would make a grooming difference. Our three double-maned rabbits take the...
  3. CYGChickies

    I've sold.. 0 rabbits (help!?)

    I had mentioned passing interest to a breeder 3 hours from my home. She texted me weeks later and told me about available rabbits at a lower price--and just because someone won't pay $50 doesn't mean they don't deserve a rabbit. Some people are looking to start a rabbitry and will shop around...
  4. CYGChickies

    Lowering Calcium

    Our rabbits have been having some white urine, and the rabbit expert at our extension office told us the calcium was high so to supplement with vegetables/fruits low in calcium. We have green bell peppers, bananas and frozen white corn--frozen to help cool the rabbits in this awful heat! Does...
  5. CYGChickies

    My Dwarf Hotot Is a Crazy Toe-Eater!

    It was a hard bite and more than one like she was chewing. She didn't act aggressive but more like she thought toes made a great toy. Maybe she was playing and we gave her a paper towel tube to keep her occupied in the cage since the toys/chews they had didn't seem to interest her much. CYG
  6. CYGChickies

    My Dwarf Hotot Is a Crazy Toe-Eater!

    No kidding! Today we were cleaning out the two indoor cages (temporary) so I let Cleopatra (my hotot doe) and Maggie May (her Lionhead cagemate) out to wander a little in the small room where their cages are. After lopping around harmlessly I thought they'd be fine so I got to work. All of the...
  7. CYGChickies

    Soylent Green Anyone

    I think the noncommercial organic farmers with cows and pigs will be a little stronger against the government for a few reasons. Pigs and cows aren't pets, and when on a farm they cannot be labelled as such for nefarious purposes. Also a lot/some of these cattle/pork farmers aren't hurting for...
  8. CYGChickies

    Score!!!! Just got more hutches at a bargan!!!

    Lucky! We found three cheap hutches-five regular holes and one huge single hutch--for $200 but no luck since then. We're learning how to build our own and I'm also going to build an indoor unit for those that need it for quarantine/heat/newbie reasons. Right now we have a big dirty hutch bought...
  9. CYGChickies

    Soylent Green Anyone

    Man I'm already prepared to lawyer up as soon as I even catch wind of something like this. I doubt we'll ever get as big as she is but we have "pet" and "meat" rabbits for breeding. I'll be calling my state rep tomorrow and throwing a fit. Hopefully at least one irate Missourian will be heard. I...
  10. CYGChickies

    When Do I know?

    Yes I had no plans of putting her with a buck. I palpated yesterday--13 days--but I'll try again today doing what you said. The doe is young and wasn't bred on purpose--we bought her brother and her and were told she was not quite 8 weeks so we left them together and on day two his testicles...
  11. CYGChickies

    Not Very Lady-Like

    We tried our first ever breeding yesterday. I have a buck and a doe lionhead both with full and beautiful manes, and they're mature so I thought we'd try since cooler days are on their way. The buck was definitely interested; he hopped after her all around his cage and she only made very lazy...
  12. CYGChickies

    When Do I know?

    Another trick you can try is giving her a bit of straw--not hay. If she carries it around or starts nest-building then you'll know. I have no experience palpating a pregnant doe so I'm not sure if I felt a kidney or a baby but a breeder told me last night to give her straw so that's my plan for...
  13. CYGChickies

    Snuffles (Pasteurellosis)

    My vets didn't say she had the deadly form they treated it as if she did. They gave me information in a "worst case scenario" form. And yes there's a lot of conflicting information and yes I'm also done reading about it. I had another breeder confirm what I thought--that snuffles bacteria is...
  14. CYGChickies

    Snuffles (Pasteurellosis)

    I've read that and then the next thing I'll read will say there is no cure, almost nonexhistant treatment success and it will always be passed on to kits and make them sick. That's what I mean by conflicting information, and seriously the veterinarians are both respected with farm/meat...
  15. CYGChickies

    Snuffles (Pasteurellosis)

    Well this doe can breathe, isn't crusty and never--that we saw--had colored discharge. She's active and friendly as well. I have since consulted another veterinarian and he told me--like the other vet--that the antibiotics will have taken care of it and she's not contagious. It's a little...
  16. CYGChickies

    Snuffles (Pasteurellosis)

    Ok so how expensive is a test for this bacteria Pasteurellosis? I don't want to kill her if she can have a happy pet life. Also how do I go about convincing people to take a rabbit with a chronic disease? I'd rather get her tested since she's got a great personality and would be a good brood doe...
  17. CYGChickies

    Snuffles (Pasteurellosis)

    I have no clue if it was white or clear since she's white. She didn't seem to ever have any mucus on her paws or more than just a tiny line of it on her nostrils. I'd be sad to get rid of her but that'd be better than spreading it. Ugh my vet is gone until Monday. I guess I'll have to keep her...
  18. CYGChickies

    Snuffles (Pasteurellosis)

    So what is the deal with Snuffles? Is it curable? We had a doe sneezing and looked to have a wet face so we moved her in and did a full course of antibiotics from the vet. She has been inside for two + weeks. Is she cured? Is she contagious? The vet said she should be fine now but I don't want...
  19. CYGChickies

    I never thought this would be me...

    Well I wish you--and those who join you--the best of luck! CYG
  20. CYGChickies

    I was strictly a meat rabbit kind of person..............

    I'm sorry to hear this. It sounds a lot like something that happened to me. We purchased three Red New Zealand kits (our first and only rabbits at the time) from someone and the next morning one was dead. That afternoon another was sick. The Vet said he hadn't seen such a severe case of Coccidia...