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  1. CYGChickies

    *CYGChickies' HWC Journal* I Want Goats!

    Haha I think you're the only one who reads the journal! But I posted some nakiebunny pictures of Lola's kits in the Birthing, Raising and Weaning rabbits thread. Strawberry should be kindling anytime now and likely will tomorrow (Friday). I'll post new pics of her kits and updated pics of Lola's...
  2. CYGChickies

    *CYGChickies' HWC Journal* I Want Goats!

    Well a ton has been happening on the old farm. I have several orders for my M&P soap, we're signed up to do a craft fair and we're selling at the market on Black Friday. Lola--magpie lionhead--had a litter of five live babies and is taking excellent care of them! There are two magpies, one...
  3. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    I will totally add more pics when they're good and fluffy. Now it's little more than peach fuzz. The hairless bunny pics on page one will have to do for now haha. CYG
  4. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    Small update! Lola's babies got their colors in and the solid one is black with a white diamond, there is an actual Harlequin(!!!!) and one magpie and the other two I'm not quite sure on yet. They're so furry already I can't believe how fast they develop! She's an awesome mom and has pulled so...
  5. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    Pics of babies and Mama Day One Day Two Day Three Proud New Mama Lola CYG
  6. CYGChickies

    How long will babies live without being fed?

    I don't know if you're interested but here's a good link: Handraising Babies CYG
  7. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    Oh sorry! Her name is Strawberry. She's actually a New Zealand White. CYG
  8. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    She's a single mane doe and has hardly any of the angora anywhere but her mane and she does strongly resemble a lion. The kits' ears are good and short--Lola the Mom's are a bit long--so I'm thinking that her previous owner bred her either, accidentally or purposefully and forgot, to a good...
  9. CYGChickies

    Rabbits-Dwarf Breeds- Contest ends 12/11/11

    The contest ended but I was hoping she would extend it for more entries too maybe you could PM her. I know she had a big rabbit show recently so she may have forgotten about this contest. CYG
  10. CYGChickies

    Anxiously awaiting kits...

    My New Zealand is due on the 18 we can be kindle buddies! CYG
  11. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    Thank you. She's a very good mama so far, and seems to be adjusting very well to the kits. We moved the hutches into the barn to keep them all a little warmer. I'm sure the babies would have been fine and it's warming up here for a few days but it needed to be done eventually and it made us feel...
  12. CYGChickies

    Lionhead Litter!**Pics Added!**

    The magpie doe we purchased was bred--like we thought! She was pulling fur this morning so we gave her a nest box and a few hours later voila! She had five live clean fat little babies! They're all snuggled in and active so I'm very pleased! I believe she has at least one white, at least one...
  13. CYGChickies

    Breeding in the cold

    It's easier to breed them in winter if you keep lights on them and confuse their inner calendar. Like chickens and egg-laying, winter's lack of long daylight can lessen a doe's eagerness to mate. CYG
  14. CYGChickies

    *CYGChickies' HWC Journal* I Want Goats!

    I GOT FRENCH ANGORAS! Victoria and Sebastian are an adult breeding pair of French Angora rabbits that I purchased this morning. He is a broken black and she might be a tort but I'm not sure. I'm so excited to have them after a long time of research and being unsure; the man with them pulled up...
  15. CYGChickies

    Cage Wire Orientation Pros/Cons?

    I don't have that problem actually. I occasionally have "poo chandeliers" when the Lionheads have hair stuck to poo holding it to the cage. This is fairly rare and I've never seen a poop that wouldn't fit. CYG
  16. CYGChickies

    Cage Wire Orientation Pros/Cons?

    Good question, perhaps to give the rabbits bigger "holes" to look out of? I've never seen 1"x1" wire available in welded noncoated wire. I use quarter inch by quarter inch hardware cloth for flooring. CYG
  17. CYGChickies

    ~ READ BEFORE POSTING ~ OHS: Contest Guidelines / Rules ~

    If I'm the only entry in one and it ended last week but no activity do I assume it's cancelled? CYG
  18. CYGChickies

    Feeding doe raw bacon...

    Surely there is more than one reason that a doe will kill kits. Sometimes they chew off an ear or limb and what's that about? "Overeager grooming" isn't exactly an in-depth explanation for that. Also, if an animal would be killed/injured by eating ONE tiny piece of bacon isn't that something...
  19. CYGChickies

    Feeding doe raw bacon...

    That's too funny because I was like "I hope my post doesn't make anyone mad" haha! Without tone of voice and facial expression this text communication is a delicate art. CYG
  20. CYGChickies

    Feeding doe raw bacon...

    Oh gosh I wasn't offended! I just wanted to comment that feeding a piece of raw bacon probably wouldn't cause a doe to explode or catch fire or keel over dead--not that anyone has said that exactly. I just wanted to contribute something besides alarmed reactions. I haven't ever seen this put...