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  1. High Desert Cowboy

    U S A: SHEEP INDUSTRY. Revive it or just let it slowly die?

    Most of the money comes from selling lambs for meat. For a long while, or so I’ve been told, the price of wool basically covered the price of shearing. That’s an added difficulty as well, as there are less and less shearers in the US. Some are using groups from New Zealand who come to the...
  2. High Desert Cowboy

    U S A: SHEEP INDUSTRY. Revive it or just let it slowly die?

    I have a question TOR. In my area the sheep ranchers hold pretty strong to wool breeds of sheep, with most “range” sheep being some parts hamp/Suffolk cross. I bought a hair ram and the old boys act like I bought a bright pink Prius while I was at it. Over there is there a similar mentality...
  3. High Desert Cowboy

    U S A: SHEEP INDUSTRY. Revive it or just let it slowly die?

    I can’t lay claim to the WWII hypothesis, that actually came from a professor at Utah State, I was using my wife as an example. To prove his point, the professor asked our class of 60 by raise of hands who had eaten lamb. Few of us raised our hands. When asked why the rest hadn’t, the biggest...
  4. High Desert Cowboy

    U S A: SHEEP INDUSTRY. Revive it or just let it slowly die?

    I’ll add my two cents. Utah is about 66% federal land, meaning we should have plenty for grazing leases and logging and of course enjoying a weekend camping. Unfortunately federal mismanagement doesn’t make those practices very easy. Last year we had a terrible fire just south of my home...
  5. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So fun story about Bellwether. You may recall how happy I was the day I brought Bellwether, Shaun, and Maa home. The sun was shining, birds were singing, everything’s going my way. For the first few days I kept them in a smaller pen made from cattle panels, to keep an eye on all of them...
  6. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I’m actually keeping them both. I bought their mom from a friend and it was quite the surprise when she lambed the night before I went to get her. He buys a few bottle lambs every year for his kids to raise for some cash. He was toying with the idea of keeping some of his bottle raised ewes...
  7. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Not a whole lots been going on, but here’s a picture of the twins
  8. High Desert Cowboy

    Introducing Beaux

    Thank you I learned something new today. I’ve never seen a pure catahoula and have only ever seen the name in mixed dogs and a book on herding my wife gave me for Christmas. He’s neat looking though, and sounds like he’s more than willing to please
  9. High Desert Cowboy

    Introducing Beaux

    Congratulations! Now I know you say you don’t want him chasing sheep but aren’t catahoulas a herding breed? At least I know they were used to breed the Hangin Tree cow dogs.
  10. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I’ll have to take my rope in there with me. Guess it could be good practice for some fancy loops
  11. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I’m just not sure how delicate sheep are as opposed to cattle and horses but if they can take it I’ll give it a try. I also looked into crooks a little. I’ll have to look into a hoop sheltwr
  12. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Well we have been truly blessed it has rained every day this week and I see no need for it to stop. I am looking at some options for sheep shelters as they really don’t have much to get out of the rain besides sage brush. I’m also trying to get my one ewe to let me work with her a little, she...
  13. High Desert Cowboy

    Hernia? 10week old Kunekune

    With the long white whiskers on his nose and eye brows he looks like a wise old man! Good looking little fella. How big do kune kunes get? In commercial farming you miss out on the rarer or specialty breeds.
  14. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Truth be told the dogs are the reason we have sheep. Kya has always given herself a job if I couldn’t give her one, and I thought she might appreciate having some change of pace. As a pup I’d take her with me to feed a small herd of corriente cows we were renting for team roping and she...
  15. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So I was talking to a friend of mine who raises stock dogs and explaining how Bella was grounded from the sheep pen for grabbing hold and not listening and letting go. He made the point that she might see that as punishment and turn her off of stock. So I gave her another shot and as you can...
  16. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    We’ve had beautiful blessed rain for the last two days. It wasn’t for very long but I’ll take every ounce I can get. It also cooled us down from the 100+ temps we were seeing last week. Our lambs are fat little beggars and growing well. With them getting bigger I’ve been working the sheep...
  17. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Extremely overworked. I’ve got friends who put a down payment to drill their well deeper back in February and it’s looking like it won’t be done for a couple more months.
  18. High Desert Cowboy

    Hernia? 10week old Kunekune

    That is a scrotal hernia. I am not sure on its impact on fertility but I personally wouldn’t use him for breeding. While there are several factors that go into a scrotal hernia genetic is one of those factors. If you plan to sell offspring for meat, there is the added difficulty of castrating...