Introducing Beaux


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
On June 8, our 20 month old grand daughter told her Mom that morning, “mmm puppy” which translates to “I want a puppy”. That afternoon one showed up. The first word out of her mouth was Bo, so his name became Beaux.


Our daughter notified security and the HOA, posted him on Facebook and nobody claimed him. They live in a private gated community so it’s not like someone drove to their street and dumped him. They took him to the vet to check for a chip, there was none. So they decided to keep him, got his shots, got him chipped and got him neutered. Beaux found a home and the girls were delighted.

The vet said he was a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, confirming my first impression of Beaux. He said Beaux was about 4 months old.

Beaux adored the girls and they him. He was house broken, sat, stayed, wanted to please, was quick to learn.

Our DD and family had a mini dachshund and a silky terrier. When the dachshund died, they decided against another at that time because they had a new baby, followed by another new baby. Adding a puppy to be house broken and trained was just too much at that time. Our DD really loves mini dachshunds.

When I told them about Parker having cancer and having to put him down, she cried over him. Through her tears, she told her husband, “Beaux came to us because he was meant to be their dog.” They came over that evening and brought pizza, to be a comfort to us.

They offered Beaux to us, saying that he would be happier on our farm, with room to run and play. They live in a small house just over 1200 square feet, with a small unfenced yard. It was a little soon for us, but we said we’d consider him.

We kept the girls Monday through Tuesday evening and Beaux came too. The girls went home, Beaux stayed. Beaux alerted on the chickens and Trip plowed right into him. He grabbed Beaux by the throat and gave him a chicken lesson.


I pulled Trip off Beaux, scolding both. Beaux ran for the porch and inside the house. Later I took Beaux back out to potty and sat down to give the boys some get acquainted time.

Trip drooled big slobbery strings of gooky slime, all over Beaux, my pants, both arms and himself. He nose punched Beaux with a a few bites thrown in, with me as referee. Beaux was terrified. I finally let him escape to the safety of the house where BJ de-slimed him with a towel.


I got a full picture of Beaux, stretched out by the bathtub, where the little girls were splashing.


Hmmmm ...... criteria for a new dog, must love children. CHECK



Must not chase chickens. After the drubbing he got from Trip, chickens are the devil. CHECK

Must not chase Sheep. I let the sheep out in the yard to graze. Beaux wanted to play, I told him no and he was crushed. Will probably have to reinforce that, but he listens and minds. CHECK

Must be smart, affectionate and mind. CHECK

We have a dog.

High Desert Cowboy

True BYH Addict
Sep 25, 2017
Reaction score
Congratulations! Now I know you say you don’t want him chasing sheep but aren’t catahoulas a herding breed? At least I know they were used to breed the Hangin Tree cow dogs.


Loving the herd life
Aug 1, 2015
Reaction score
Athens, GA
Catahoulas are great for herding, but in my experience, only big things like cows, hogs, ect. things with gall and balls. Anything flighty turns on their hunting side, so maybe not best with sheep. We used them to track deer in LA and they are used extensively for hog hunts and hog bays. A good bay dog will hold a hog with just eyes and a bark and never touch it. Too smart for their own good and an independent thinker. They can be the best dog you ever own.... after that 3 year long puppy stage is over haha

Congrats! :clap


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Latestarter she has shot up like a weed. She is 11 now, long and lanky like her momma. LOL

@High Desert Cowboy Catahoulas are cow dogs and hog dogs. They are a pretty intense breed, super smart and independent. So far, Beaux is showing some extreme intelligence, just a soft NO crushes him and hurts his feelings. Today he picked up an egg that I put down in the doorway of the store room, he smelled my scent on it and latched onto it. I saw him with it, but before I could get to him, he tossed it in the air, it hit the ground and it broke. He was playing with it. I picked it up and told him NO and BAD softly, but firmly. He ran for the porch and dived under it. LOL In the house I offered him an egg, he showed interest and I repeated NO and BAD. He went to his kennel crate. And I know I will have to repeat this about 100 times until he is out of his puppy stage. But maybe not, he is real smart. My Great Pyrenees both will take an egg, they know it is wrong, but the sneaks will do it anyway.

@Alibo I got my work cut out for me. I love a super smart dog. Beaux is his own special dog and wants to please, I'll just have to try to stay a step ahead of him. Every day is a training day.

High Desert Cowboy

True BYH Addict
Sep 25, 2017
Reaction score
Thank you I learned something new today. I’ve never seen a pure catahoula and have only ever seen the name in mixed dogs and a book on herding my wife gave me for Christmas. He’s neat looking though, and sounds like he’s more than willing to please


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Today we took Beaux to Tractor Supply, for riding in the truck training, going to public places and to get him toys. He didn't load up, I had to put him in the back seat, but he'll get that with time and practice. He was super well behaved, happily greeted people who wanted to pet him and wanted pig ears. We got him 3 ears (one for Trip) a squeaky toy and a kong that I can put peanut butter in for him to stay busy.

He rode just fine, was not scared or stressed. We made 2 stops before going back home, I got out, then BJ got out. Beaux did not get upset either time. He also did good on the leash.