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  1. ShadyTreeAcres

    Input needed on my mini-herd

    Here is my current setup, for reference. Arya - Nigerian Dwarf doeling, 10 month old Rory - Nigerian Dwarf doe, 2.5 years old (Mo's sister) Mo - Nigerian Dwarf doe, 2.5 years old (Rory's sister) Niles - Nubian wether, 3 years old Frasier - Nubian wether, 3 years old Here is my dilemma. I...
  2. ShadyTreeAcres

    Eating lots of loose minerals...good or bad?

    I have a bag of the MannaPro loose minerals. I will try what you suggest and top dress their feed for awhile. Thanks!
  3. ShadyTreeAcres

    Eating lots of loose minerals...good or bad?

    They are about 2yo. Two wethers, two does. Never had minerals as far as I know.
  4. ShadyTreeAcres

    Eating lots of loose minerals...good or bad?

    I recently starting putting out loose minerals for my nigerians. I filled up a wall mounted feed bowl about half way and expected them to just eat a tiny bit. They've emptied it twice in the last 5 days! Its one of those black ones from TSC, holds about 4 cups. Is this normal? Indicative...
  5. ShadyTreeAcres

    2 questions about weight and hair

    P Just hay at this point in her crate. I still have her separated from the adults until this weekend.
  6. ShadyTreeAcres

    2 questions about weight and hair

    First off, here is a pic of my Aryas muzzle. It seems like she's losing some hair on it, any thoughts as to why? If I compare to a pic from a few weeks ago it wasn't like this. Secondly, here is an overhead picture. Does she look overweight? She weighed in at 15lbs yesterday, she's about...
  7. ShadyTreeAcres

    Shady Tree picture thread

    All dry after her bath. Bath time!
  8. ShadyTreeAcres

    Shady Tree picture thread

    Niles and Frasier are wethered. And I agree, they are very good looking boys. Arya gets to come in occasionally for snuggles. I plan on giving her a bath tomorrow so she'll be in until she's completely dry as it's going to be in the 20's here.
  9. ShadyTreeAcres

    Shady Tree picture thread

    Arya is about 5 months. Niles and Frasier are around a year
  10. ShadyTreeAcres

    Shady Tree picture thread

    Just wanted to show off my small herd. Niles and Frasier the Nubian brothers My baby. Arya Stark. Nap time
  11. ShadyTreeAcres

    Frost free outdoor hydrant

    I have an old, leaky hydrant in my barn that I want to replace before it gets much colder. Got any tips on brands or things to make sure I do at the same time? Repairing is not an option...this things looks old. Also, how do I know if the one I have can be replaced just at the top or if I...
  12. ShadyTreeAcres

    Goats can change lives

    Excellent story I came across today.
  13. ShadyTreeAcres

    Goat toys and structures for pasture

    I am finishing up my goats pasture area this weekend and am curious what everyone has bought or built for their goats to play with/on? I have found a large wooden spool on Craigslist for $30 that I plan to pick up on Sunday. Any other ideas? Pics are also super helpful!
  14. ShadyTreeAcres

    New goats

    I have 3 ND's and two Nubians. Love them all but the Nubian wethers are the funniest to watch. The ND doe is the most tame, but she is/was a bottle baby.
  15. ShadyTreeAcres

    Anyone use this fence

    alrighty then! Return it is. So I guess that brings me back to needing to stretch the woven wire then right?
  16. ShadyTreeAcres

    Anyone use this fence

    Fencing is so confusing, I have read to NEVER use woven wire for goats and then I read to ONLY use it. What is a newbie to do? I have two rolls of 60" welded wire from TSC in my I'm considering returning it. I have the 6ft t posts so I'd have a foot at the top with no support...
  17. ShadyTreeAcres

    A few really simple questions...

    Today is the day the baby goes down to one bottle. She is eating hay very well but doesn't touch the bit of grain I put in with her. I'm assuming this isn't necessarily a bad thing. On another note...we got 2 more goats! We got a pair of mini-Nubians (brothers) pretty cheap and couldn't pass...
  18. ShadyTreeAcres

    A few really simple questions...

    My baby is a doeling, I'm staying away from bucks And yes, I have read Fiasco Farms site thoroughly, just looking for specifics. Thanks for the reply.
  19. ShadyTreeAcres

    A few really simple questions...

    When you guys say Free Choice you just mean that its available at all times right? What are you using for hay feeders? I have been considering one of the net type bags. I've seen numerous types of mineral feeders online using PVC pipe. Is there no risk of the goats overeating minerals...
  20. ShadyTreeAcres

    Sending blood in for testing- shipping

    How do you guys draw the blood? Or does the vet do it?