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  1. N


    *oozing jealousy* llamas! Id love to get an alpaca but I think hubby would say no. Were planning on a horse in 1-2 years. Have you had the llamas or are they new? I adopted roosters. Yeah, while everyone else gets rid of them I picked up 5 as if I didn't have enough already.
  2. N

    Questions about products I'm considering ordering

    My little doeling is sick. *sigh*. I ended up running to the feed store this morning and paying a 400% mark up on meds. I'm pretty certain its pneumonia. I gave her a does of meds and in just a matter of hours she looks and sounds better. I've got vaccines coming next week. I had a feeling...
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    HELLLLOOOO! Anyone from AZ??? I'm in the Casa Grande area
  4. N

    new mom super excited*new pics*

    Omgosh! They are adorable!
  5. N

    Questions about products I'm considering ordering

    I've done a bit of reading and decided against the.paste. I think I missed the dehorning/burning window. They hatched on the 30th and the doe & doeling is about a week and a half old. My other goat has horns. I need to file the sharp tips off. The doe has no horns. I've touched her head only a...
  6. N

    Questions about products I'm considering ordering

    I have lots of questions. Please bear with me, I'm a newbie to goats. I have 5 Nigerian Dwarfs. I would rather spend a few dollars on something and not need it than need it and have to wait for it to arrive (speaking from experience, and having 16 chickens die while the post office shipped meds...
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    New Additions

    Thank you very much.
  8. N

    New Additions

    They haven't gotten any shots yet, but I'm putting together an order with a friend for vaccines. What wormer is okay to give mama and babies? We plan to order from Jeffers. It sounds like I'm under feeding her. I gave 1/4 cup grain 2x and a hand full of hay 3x. I just took more grain out to...
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    New Additions

    Here is my baby buck that we originally went just to get him Here is the baby they gave to us (buck) Mama and her baby
  10. N

    New Additions

    I got two new goat additions yesterday. Looks like I'm turning into a goat junkie. I picked up a Nigerian and her doeling yesterday. The baby is approximately a week old and appears to be nursing well. Mama appears to be in good health. They came from the same place the two baby bottle fed week...
  11. N

    New baby Goats

    What type of cocci regime is needed? It can't be prevented from clean living conditions and clean water? I'm very new to goats and this is the biggest issue I've experienced so far (hopefully the only big issue). Can you also provide me with links for the vaccines I should use. They have none...
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    New baby Goats

    The poo is brown. No blood. I have them in a confined area with heat lamps. They had them in an igloo with a heat lamp but they seemed to be on wet hay. I have not bathed them yet. I didn't want to let them get chilled. Is Sulmet Liquid safe to give orally? How much? I have Sulmet on hand...
  13. N

    New baby Goats

    I'm new to goats, and more particularly baby goats. I have a 7 month old doe (Nigerian dwarf). Ive had her a month. Yesterday I got 2 baby goats (Nigerian dwarf) and they said they are a week old, born on the 30th. I'll buy that for one, but the other is younger. The guy gave us the one I think...