Going to be a warm day again here. Not many days I ask to have off, but I should at least have this day off. Seems to go over their head of why and who I am. Oh well last Veterans day I was out getting food for us by shooting a deer.
Going to milk this day at work like tits on a bull.
Still need to weld a pipe on the backside of it with a lip like you would see on a pan with a way to hold a spool of whatever. So as I'm trenching, it's laying the cable in the trench at the same time.
Here is a bigger version than mine.
Needed a way to put down all these miles of cabling going every which way for the cameras. Kept the old backhoe bucket bracket on the last bucket I worn out. I can now adjust depth while driving and trenching with my backhoe. In places I can’t fit the backhoe between trees or sudden elevation...
Yeah she is still here
Yeah we have that cat still, she follows the wife around like a puppy dog. We still got all the pigs too, looking healthy at that.
This piece
is supposed to go to this piece, couldn't have snapped it any cleaner.
This is the input shaft on the differential I snapped I was talking about. Trying to do this in the middle of nowhere is fun.
I came here knowing very little about pigs and the people here helped me get them started. Watch out for that @Baymule she is an enabler, poor me trying to make ponds out here in the desert and now I got 11 pigs.
I'm against these feedlots they run around here, that can't be healthy. On the same note not packing them like sardines like they do it gives me hope with less animals in a square footage one could run bison out here and still make a profit despite feeding them hay year around.
Snow is still...
There is about 4 inches of snow on the ground :yesss: which means if I hurry up and get my axle fixed on the dump truck it will pack in perfect, not the powder that was there.
My truck is in the shop (warranty work) which means driving the 2WD SUV to get around. If I didn't have a semi to get...
A rescue from the horse barn at the wife's job from the horse barn. We've had her a month so far, she will grab my feet with her claws while laying down and play that way.
They aren't the kids of the nasty neighbors, but they ran with the nasty ones till they seen their true colors when I started putting rock down. Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
If you don't vote you don't have a right to complain when it doesn't go your way.
Weather said clear day today and "possible" dusting tomorrow, 24 hours later it is saying "possible" dusting tonight. Now it is saying winter weather advisory this morning of 4 plus inches of snow with blizzard...
To play fair they got till the kids at the entrance move into their mud/straw bale hut. Which to what I last heard they are trying to get the roof on before winter hits and moved in after winter weather subsides. The parents of one of them is right on the border of the right of way in a trailer...