Search results

  1. M

    Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)

    Hydrogen peroxide sprayed on. Borax dissolved in water, spray on. Vinegar with baking soda dissolved in, sprayed on. One of these, just lightly, and it should kill spores. Bleach may make it look cleaner, won't kill spores. Wear a mask when working on it. Yes, better is material removed...
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Consider a hat or shower cap for protection 😀 :old
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    I got just a touch over 2" 👍👍👍 soaked right in. The first couple hrs of light drizzle helped to allow later to soak. Of course, overcast/chilly most all day. Sun just coming out at 3:30-4: it'll be dark soon 😣. But clear & warmer over weekend.
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    UC prevention

    Did the vet not suggest anything? Somewhat it depends on what the stones are made up of. Many times ammonium chloride is suggested for goats but, potassium chloride may dissolve some types. The goal is to raise the PH levels in their urine. Do you keep baking soda out for your goat(s)? That...
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    😁 now you can dig potatoes over weekend.
  6. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    We're getting first rain sin a light shower 10/1 😱. Soft start, to be heavier mid of night, light until 10ish in morn. We sure need it. Won't be huge amount 1-2" but that's fine. 😁 Worked yesterday and today, after dentist. Gracious what they try to shove in your mouth all at once! Then...
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    Rotational Grazing on 2 Acres?

    Consider electric netting for a while. Then you will see where you need/want permanent -- if ever 😄
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    Coffee anyone ?

    Looks like a plane taking off. Beautiful color!
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    Coffee anyone ?

    Coffee, breakfast, chores...done. Back in for another cup & decide if I'm going to a job today or not. Dentist & a job tomorrow, so do this one today or Friday 🤔 decisions! Colder day than usual, breezy. If I'm inside, might as well be paid! 😁
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    He has sheep.....check out his thread, too.😊
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    Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog RIP 11-11-24

    I know this is a deep hurting pain! 😭💔 :hugs :hugs hurts me to hear it has happened. RIP Sentry. You've been good. Run with Joe, sit by BJ. You still have a job, you're loved. 💓 we will miss you here. :hugs :hugs
  12. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    We can pretend it's hot coco, with coffee, so mocha :lol:
  13. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    Eggs!!! Wahoo...found one of my girls hidden nest! Lucky I was home, heard her & saw her exit. So today I got 3 eggs from her hidy hole. Put a golf ball in there. Another lays each day. 2 more were laying & still are, somewhere. Need to find nest. Poking around in the barn, I found mom...
  14. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    Sheesh...up at 4:15 🙄 that's what happens if I go to bed at 9. Sleep time done, up, I'll hate myself about 1 when I want a nap. Stay busy & I won't want a nap! Windy weather predicted for today...hope not. I need to load some things to take to the dump. There's the buzzer....load of laundry...
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    We love pictures! 😍 Welcome to the group.
  16. M

    Does anybody here restore leather saddles?

    You might consider adding a little to those prices. The oils, soaps & cloths alone will eat that up, especially on a saddle! Then, consider those that come in after sitting for years to have the "magic wand" happen. 😁 They will need more. Heck yeah, reasonable pricing.
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    Boone-My Anatolian Unicorn

    OMG :lol: Mrs Doubtfire it is! If any gold Listerine around, sponge some on the sore spot. What's up with DH? SICK??? geesh...y'all are a mess. Slather him in old fashioned Vicks. OR -- Maybe you can load them both in a vehicle & kennel them in town at various medical places for a...
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    Cinchy horse

    Is she ridden on a regular basis? Is she handled daily? Is she stalled or kept in a pasture with shelter. I no longer keep a riding horse because I don't feel I have the time or desire to handle, ride or groom on a regular basis. Horses will revert to their own "self" if no regular...
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    SageHill Ranch Journal

    When I was breeding the mini horses & donks, the foals would play together and then settle into a group to lay & nap! You'd see the mares take turns at babysitting close at the pile of babes, letting others wander just a little further out. Very orchestrated.🥰. I love herd dynamics. Hen's...
  20. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    Eggs! Yeah, usual on vacay time here. 😵‍💫. I just get excited with over 2!! :lol: summers I get 20-24 daily. I'm reviewing work schedule...selecting jobs, checking budgets. Looking over feed costs 🫤 better get more caffeine to rev me up! This isn't the fun part of being home.:old Chilly...