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  1. Granny Heeney

    Coffee anyone ?

    I ain't proud, I'll channel cat those leftovers LOL
  2. Granny Heeney

    Coffee anyone ?

    *punches that weekend in the face* Coffee...sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is neon and says "Coffee served 24 hrs"... ;)
  3. Granny Heeney


    Keeping your advice in mind, Rammy, this little one has spunk...nippy, bullheaded, grabbed my lip once and did that rooster-twist-bite...and 9 Volt wants NOTHING to do with this youngster. He loved on every Brahma pullet that came through here but hated my daughter's chick, which turned out to...
  4. Granny Heeney


    Thank you very much! :D
  5. Granny Heeney

    OEGB owners out there?

    That lavender is a pretty color :)
  6. Granny Heeney

    Coffee anyone ?

  7. Granny Heeney


    Okay...also don't need to worry about stoppages ATM...he just pooped all over me LOL
  8. Granny Heeney


    Wow, thanks for the advice, Rammy, I'll be keeping an eye on those wattles! :-o
  9. Granny Heeney

    OEGB owners out there?

    I'd love to be able to ask you some questions. Also, see pics of your lovely birds and hear any of your experiences! :love
  10. Granny Heeney


    BTW...eventually, she DID bite me LOLOL Not hard, but she made her irritation known ;)
  11. Granny Heeney


    I'm going to call it "him" so it turns out to be a pullet (I'll let you know how THAT goes ROFL) About 20 mins ago, he snagged a piece of scrambled egg off my breakfast plate and ran away with it. :ep We've got him on medicated chick starter, he ate and drank all by himself from right out of...
  12. Granny Heeney


  13. Granny Heeney

    Prayer Requests & Praises

    I will tuck your family into my prayers! :love
  14. Granny Heeney

    In search of warm skivvies!

    He's doing construction-type this and that, so he goes back and forth between freezing and sweating his bahoogies off LOL So I'm guessing Marie washes them out of self defense :D I first told her to check the tag and do an interwebz search but the tag is long gone...plenty of links there...
  15. Granny Heeney

    Baymule's 500 Pound Boar!

    You'd think I'd learn. That BBQ thread nearly wiped me out. I need to quit coming in while I'm hungry! Like they say, those who raise it know how to braise it. NOM!
  16. Granny Heeney

    Baymule's 500 Pound Boar!

    They ain't Wilbur! NOM! :drool
  17. Granny Heeney

    Baymule's 500 Pound Boar!

    Oh you wicked wicked person....I can **smell** that! :drool I'm stuck with tacos left over from lunch. LOL!
  18. Granny Heeney

    Buy goat meat at WalMart.....

    Oooh, I've been threatening to make one for a couple weeks...with goat chunks, hmmm, gonna try it :D
  19. Granny Heeney

    In search of warm skivvies!

    Hi all! My best friend's hubby works outside and is currently on a job halfway up a mountain here in the Appalachians. He is a dear sweet fella--hard-working, doesn't complain much, but dang it, it's cold out there. Ms. Marie is washing his single pair of functioning longjohns every 2...
  20. Granny Heeney

    Buy goat meat at WalMart.....

    BUT SERIOUSLY..... Please excuse my novice-ness; I've limited info on most things livestock, but I'm gobbling up info here at BYH. :) Hubby and I love lamb but haven't had a bite of it in years because of the cost. How similar in taste is goat? We'd probably try a bag of these here goat...