If you have a place for them to be quarantined then I would go for it!! That's CHEAP. as long as you don't mix them in with your buns for a few weeks, then you should have no problem.
Angora rabbits are a lot of work. I have had only one in my life, but he was ALWAYS needing to be...
It worked!! I held Mocha for about 20 minutes earlier after I did what you suggested!! It took her longer than I thought it would, but it was the longest I've ever held her. And I have no bite marks to show!! I feel like it might take another time, but maybe not. I'm amazed and soooo...
She's very pretty. She doesn't mind being petted, but she bites when you pick her up. Like after holding her for a moment she just decides to bite me. The first time I didn't even count because she had been with me for a total of maybe 20 hours. Just nervous about being in a new place. Well that...
It's still doing just as good as the other. When they eat it puts it's leg over mom or the other kit. It moves just as fast as the other, but looks a little crazy doing so
@promiseacres I know she is because she's getting aggressive. She has done this before. Her last litter was weaned at 4 weeks and were horrified of her. She would lunge and bite them. And she's never only nursed 2xs a day unless I have moved her kits. Her buns are nursed a lot more than that...
And Elsa has been weaning her two kits. Already. Maybe it's because she's always had small litters... they're huge little fluffs, so maybe that's why. Idk. I have all the weird animals. She weaned her last litter at 3 weeks, completely weaned at 4 weeks. I feel like that is way too soon
So I have been noticing that Mocha does not eat her cecotropes. I'm not sure why she doesn't. I know of people who try to discourage their buns from doing this. I have never, but I have always known why they do this. Why would she not?? I have always thought that this was a very important part...
So the little black kit is splay legged. It seems to not bother him at all. I'm tempted to try the 'cork' method and try to fix it. Not sure about this, though
And you should always try to freeze colostrum. You never know when something will go wrong and you have to have it. I had the same belief when I was breastfeeding my daughter. I froze A LOT of my milk and ended up needing it for my cousin's son when she had the flu. I'm just saying it could come...