We sell all sorts of products in our Bee Shop made with wax. We sell raw wax to a large number of people who make a lot of the things mentioned above. Also note, that there is a different honey for each season. Spring, summer and fall/winter all have different types of honey based on your...
I can barely get them to clean quail and chicken eggs with a little manure on them. Then they have to wash their hands right away and douse them in hand sanitizer!! No telling how they would react if they got a nice warm splat of green cow poop.
It has now been 4 years since we lost our wonderful story teller and friend. He may be gone, but his stories and his wonderful spirit will be forever! :flypig
Genesis 3:19:
By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.