You can also, and could before, edit it out of your post(before or after you hit send)...along with the 40 pics that don't need to be repeated.
Not sure I should give forum usage advice...seems the mobiles way out number the desk/lap top users anymore.
Thanks for all the feedback!
@Dozclan12 reminded me of a couple things I didn't iterate earlier.
I do have paper towels under mesh covering almost all of bator bottom (except for corners where vent holes are) and pushed down into reservoirs, for better humidification and much easier clean up...
Have you heated it back up, used it to hatch again since cleaning out the stink?
I found it was the heat and humidity that made it stink. Once I pulled the plug and it cooled off, it didn't stink anymore. Cleaned it in water, then rinsed in a 10% bleach mix, then air dried in sun all day long...
So does anyone else's incubator/hatcher get stinky 24-48 hours after chicks have begun to hatch?
Wonders if it's the current hatching gunk kept at 100F and high humidity or accumulative hatching gunk that seeps into the styrofoam and can't be washed/bleached out?
I browsed thru all the topic forums...very little activity anywhere and a lot of it old, weeks and months old.
But the social forum looks to be alive and kicking(and don't think it's just the BYC influx).
Reminds me of the old Yahoo chat rooms......all just a bunch of jabberin'.
And I'm not much...