Have you tried Penicillin? You'll need to do a full course of it, but honestly the times when I couldn't figure it out I used Penicillin and it made it better, several times on several different does. Ended up calling the vet and that's what she recommended anyway. I had a goat last year...
Straw, I have a couple questions regarding Kikos;
Do all Kiko goats have long hair like that? I think if I was to get a do over or if I had to start all over I would go with Kikos instead of Nubians. Believe me I love my Nubians more than anything but it would have been prudent of me to get a...
Wow sorry you are having so much trouble with your bunnies! I would think the females are aggressive because females can get extremely territorial AND because they haven't been handled much. Can you spend a bit of time with each one every day brushing and giving treats and petting?
There are two types of Blackbellies. Barbados and American. American are MUCH more common and to be likely what you will find if you happen to run across any in your area. REAL true Barbados are extremely rare, there are only about 1400 registered individuals in the United States. A starter...
I always leave my rabbit for a day or so in the fridge before I cook or freeze.
"Resting" helps dissipate the lactic acid from rigor mortis so your meat is a bit more tender.
LoL! Park a car... :gig My first American Nubian was like that. I sold her as I have too many nice ones around. :lol: :P
She isn't a Kastdemur, but yes the sire is a Kasdemure son.
I will get front udder shots asap.
Is she coughing and then spitting it up? It sounds to me like she is choking herself with her collar. :idunno
You should try a milking stand. They are WONDERFUL. :D I found mine on Craigslist for $20.
She has been tested 3 times in the last year and half for CAE and CL and all has been negative. She and all my other goats have come from a CAE/CL negative herd and have had no other contact with ANY goats.
I am fairly confident it was mastitis.
I know how you feel. It's our first year with baby goats, and I bottle fed each one, they are like my children. I start getting anxiety when I think of having to sell one!
We recently got our first LGD, Diego. He is 16 weeks old as of yesterday. :love
Yesterday evening we were out taking care of the animals and I was on the other side of the farm when I started hearing a dog barking. It wasn't a familiar bark, so I stopped and listened and it was coming from the...
That's what we were thinking, the snake must have struck so much it "ran out" of venom, and only had a tiny little bit for the very last bunny. :/
There is no way to keep them away, really. If they are on our property we kill them. They aren't endangered or protected or anything. We've...
They are really hard to find around here. Anyone know of any breeders or anything?
I've already contacted all the breeders I could find, all the rescues, and even some breeders in nearby states and no one has anything available! :he
Does anyone know how much it would be to get a carrier and...