Loving the herd life
As some of you may have read on my journal; we recently relocated the whole farm and my rabbit cage stands were old and falling apart, so we were in the process of making new ones and only had a couple built. The rest of the cages were still sitting on the ground. Well last week a rattlesnake got into TWO of my cages, (the ones with my most recent litters, they were about 6 weeks old), and was repeatedly striking at the babies (I'm assuming it wanted to eat them, but the snake was too small). It killed four out of six in the first cage and three out of four in the second cage. The last baby in the second cage was also bit, but I didn't notice any affects until two days later. Actually I thought at first it didn't get bit, but it did. I won't get too graphic, but the side of her face and neck swelled up and popped. I thought she was a goner, but she never did die. I gave her a bit of baby aspirin and some sub-q fluids and then a couple days later some penicillin. Now almost a week later she is eating and drinking and on the mend and acting just fine. I can't believe she lived! She must have gotten just the smallest dose of venom. It's amazing a baby bunny can have that happen and live while humans, thousands of times her size, die. I just wanted to share the story as I thought it was really neat and unusual.