Search results

  1. michickenwrangler

    Mosquito problem?

    We have a natural spring-fed pond and while everyone asks us how bad mosquitoes are, unless we're in the deep woods or swamp, we hardly notice them. The fish do an exellent job of keeping them down. You may also want to get a bat house or two. Bats eat THOUSANDS of mosquitoes every night. We...
  2. michickenwrangler


    I personally like combination fencing, like wood with a hot wire or woven wire with a hot wire. If you are going to do high-tensile electric, you may want to put brightly colored plastic ribbons between fence posts for better visibility for both humans and horses. Of course we would all love...
  3. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    I did call 2 vets. One flat out refused to work on him because of the lack of handling. Considering this is for a mostly wild fully adult stallion, the surgery is going to be more in-depth than a normal gelding procedure. I'm not that attached to him. DBF didn't seem as broken up about it as I...
  4. michickenwrangler


    I'm a HUGE mythology fan: Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Celtic/Arthurian, Japanese/Shinto, Hindu, Middle Eastern, Aztec/Nahua, pretty much anything. DBF has got me hooked on the Stargate SG-1 tv series which draws heavily on all mythologies. You get to see Ra, Hathor, Anubis, Apophis, Camulos...
  5. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    Bad news. I spoke with the vet's office this morning and they said that they can't do the surgery on the stallion. It would be a few thousand to take him down to MSU. They said even if they made an exception and did it, it would have to be done at the office under full anesethia (spelling?)...
  6. michickenwrangler

    You might be country if ...

    Your 2nd best pair of jeans has placenta stains on them. Your 1st best pair only gets worn at Christmas and weddings
  7. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    I'll call the vet tomorrow for an "estimate" about the procedure. Wondering if the Paint mare Sunni did something to her hip, she seems to be holding her leg at an odd angle (like a ballet dancer pointing her toes at 2 diff. angles) but that could be from hoof pain as well. Led both the Paint...
  8. michickenwrangler

    Are Pygoras decent milkers?

    Angoras usually only produce enough milk for a kid. Twinning is uncommon for them. Most of their caloric intake goes into fiber, not milk. I have an Angora doe and while I haven't bred her, her udders are very small. Full-size Angoras are dual purpose--fiber and meat.
  9. michickenwrangler

    I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!!! (Buck Parade)

    I was thinking the same thing. He's a good-lookin' boy :love
  10. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    There may be hope for him yet. BTW, he only has 1 testicle descended. Does that make it much harder for the vet to geld him? Good thing he's never been used for breeding. I went out there today. Brushed the mares, gave them treats. Need to bring a hoof pick out with me next time so I can see...
  11. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    Yes! If you could find out what that is. Thanks. Even if there's a pill form of a sedative, if it could be crushed and put in applesauce or bran mash. I hate to say it, but I may end up just putting the stud down. DBF wants him for his horse, but DBF is not an experienced rider or horseman...
  12. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    I went out Thurs to work with the horses a bit, groundwork only to get a feel for what they remember. The two mares were more than happy to take treats from my hands, let me put a makeshift halter on their heads and lead them around. I felt the lame mare's leg and she wasn't reacting to any of...
  13. michickenwrangler

    Help me name my new baby doe

    Her coloring reminds me of a chickadee
  14. michickenwrangler

    I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!!! (Buck Parade)

    This is Morado, a 3/4 Boer 1/4 LaMancha. Named for the Spanish "purple" because of the purple-brown color on his head. He's such a ham, loves to be petted and scratched. His previous owner was an older woman so he learned to be very gentle. She kept him as a pet, wanted to use him for breeding...
  15. michickenwrangler


    I'm more familiar with horse genetics than goat. White coloring seems to be dominant. This is where seeing grandparents can come in handy. My personal breeding goal is to create a tall, cold hardy dual-purpose animal with good weight gain and good milk production (about 3/4 gal a day). Color...
  16. michickenwrangler

    Rescue Horses

    Back in the late 90's, as a teenager/young 20s I worked horses for a woman who had some heart issues and couldn't ride herself. Even though I'm no longer working her horses, we are still friends. Her husband died last November. He wasn't the technical owner of the house, it was in a trust to...
  17. michickenwrangler

    New breed ... the Sheepicorn!

    OK, maybe not a breed, just an old ugly Jacobs ram that I was given. I figured he needed some press since I'm always talking about the goats and horses. He was passed around from farm to farm and ended up with a friend of mine who bought him for her son to use for roping practice. Since he was...
  18. michickenwrangler

    White Cedar Farm-2013 kids

    Carrie, the doe, was laying down at 10am but not showing any overt signs of labor. So I went inside, knitted while watched TV for an hour, came back out to check on her. Saw one cleaned off baby standing proudly, the second in the straw getting cleaned by mom. Mom is a registered American...
  19. michickenwrangler


    Nearly all modern livestock breeds have been inbred heavily to lock in certain traits. Got big hams on a pig or rapid weight gain in a bull or long legs on a horse? His daughter has the same? Well breed him to her so that her offspring are 75% of dad instead of just 50%. Very common in horse...
  20. michickenwrangler

    White Cedar Farm-2013 kids

    TWINS!!! :bun One doeling, one buckling Pics to come.