Search results

  1. michickenwrangler

    Nubian x Boer as milkers?

    My neighbor started with 3 Nubian/Boers and they provided enough milk for her family, ours and an occasional batch of cheese for her. I have an Alpine/Boer I'm milking right now, and her output is half of what her Alpine mother gives. Meaning I get 2 qts a day from the Alpine/Boer. This would...
  2. michickenwrangler

    Themed names

    My Saanen does came with "US State" names: Georgia, Maryland (Maddie for short for Maryland postal code MD) and Carolina. When I got my Alpine, she was named Olive which I didn't like so I named her Oklahoma, Okie for short. Among the meat goats, I have a Doppler and Radar. Radar put me in mind...
  3. michickenwrangler

    LaMancha x LaMancha = Oberhaasli?

    Elf ears + elf ears = "normal" ears. This is why bucks are only allowed to have gopher ears. LaManchas can still be "bred up" by breeding back to LaManchas so other dairy traits might show through. I used to have LaManchas and my buckling had Oberhasli coloring and his sister had Toggenburg colors.
  4. michickenwrangler

    Selling kids

    Try or to expand your base. Try and get a hold of 4-H clubs (they are usually scrambling for goats this time of year for showing and projects). See if you can list your farm on ADGA's website, advertise on here and BYC. Word of mouth is good as well as is...
  5. michickenwrangler

    Looking for Pictures of LaMancha / Nubian Crosses and your experience

    I have a 3/4 Boer, 1/4 LaMancha buck and he looks just like a Boer, only slimmer. He's actually "typier" than my 7/8 Boer, nice long floppy ears and a Roman nose and Boer coloring except that his "red head" is actually a purplish-burgundy color unlike the bright red that is usual in Boers.
  6. michickenwrangler

    Milking Setup Suggestions

    We use an 8 x 12 shed for our "milking parlor". I have the milking stand on the left side and a set of cabinets and countertops (cheap premade ones from Home Depot) on the right with rubber mats on the floor in between (when the floor got wet on rainy days the goats didn't like jumping down on...
  7. michickenwrangler

    Icy Winter Coat!!!!!! Help!!!

    x2 Even if you can get her in the garage or a shed long enough for her to dry off. Do you have a cooler or canvas duck blanket? Those are really good for warming a horse up and also allowing moisture to evaporate. Rub with dry towels. Maybe treat her to a warm bran mash or applesauce oatmeal.
  8. michickenwrangler

    Bottle reared or dam reared? More info please

    There are som people I know that swear they do CAE prevention [iby separating kids, milking moms and then bottle feeding without treating the milk!][/i] :rolleyes: I prefer dam-raising, less labor intensive and the kids learn to eat and drink earlier than bottle babies. We do interact with the...
  9. michickenwrangler

    Learning to Farm with horses

    Are there any Amish in your area? You may be able to seek them out for assistance or if there are people that do historic village stuff, they may have some drafters or oxen and be able to get you started. For example, in the Detroit area there is Greenfield Village, a combination indoor/outdoor...
  10. michickenwrangler

    Help with a farm name

    Could you maybe make it one word like Greenmeadow? See if that is taken. I ran into that issue with my name. Our place is in an area known as Cedar Springs (cedar trees, natural springs) but virtually everything beginning with "Cedar" was taken. Thus I chose a SPECIFIC type of cedar, White...
  11. michickenwrangler

    What mill do you use?

    I didn't know Zeilinger's was so well known, I'm only 1 hr north of them. Also in Michigan is Stone Hedge in East Jordan up near the Mackinac Bridge. Thus far, I've done all mine myself.
  12. michickenwrangler

    How many freezer goats for a family of 7 (AND) goat vs. beef?

    Wow. My goat guy does it for $30 a goat. For me, it's not so much the killing but rather NOT killing them right and making them suffer. I can dispatch a chicken pretty quickly, but I'd be afraid of not getting the jugular or not shooting correctly at the back of the head and making the poor...
  13. michickenwrangler

    How many freezer goats for a family of 7 (AND) goat vs. beef?

    As an FYI, not all butchers will process goats. While any town here of more than 300 people has 1 processor within town limits and usually more scattered in the townships, there is only ONE processor within my area that will do goats. One that advertised itself as "anything but chickens" I...
  14. michickenwrangler

    Least Smelly Buck Breed

    I've heard that the scent is less in Angoras. A woman I know has quite a few and I didn't notice any buck scent when I went to visit her. The worst buck I've ever smelled was a little Nigerian Dwarf. My neighbor has owned ND, Saanen, Alpine and Toggenburg bucks and I never noticed one or...
  15. michickenwrangler

    How many freezer goats for a family of 7 (AND) goat vs. beef?

    Goat meat and yields are more like venison. The meat isn't marbled like beef or lamb, very lean and boneless meat % from a carcass is usually pretty low. That being said, goats take up less space and less feed and less time to get to eating size. We have 4 freezers (1 upright, 1 small chest, 1...
  16. michickenwrangler

    What type of fence charger do I need?

    Cattle panels We had issues with electric fences with chickens. Our soil is sandy so it was hard to keep the ground pole "active" for the fence to work. We have welded wire for the chickens and cattle panels for the goats. It is more expensive, but I don't have to worry about electricity and...
  17. michickenwrangler


    They do have a water heater in their tank. I checked the ears and scrotal sacs on all the males (I hope the neighbors weren't watching! :hide ). He is the only one with frostbite on his ears. He has a rough spot on his scrotum, more like toughened skin, but isn't it just the really BAD...
  18. michickenwrangler


    I have a small meat herd of Boer-cross males. Their enclosure is partially in the woods (pine and cedar), along with calf-hutches and a 3-sided shed shed for shelter. All of these are bedded with straw. WHen I did chores tonight, one of the males-one that I plan to use for breeding--has some...
  19. michickenwrangler

    Stud service or own a buck?

    Unless you can find a buck with about an hour from you, it's much easier to have one on hand. I bred 3 different ways this fall --Borrow neighbor's buck Pro: neighbor was able to bring him over about 20 minutes after I noticed a doe was in heat. His owner was right next door in case their were...
  20. michickenwrangler

    How to you handle a horned herd?

    All of my goats have been in with my 4-horned Jacob ram at one point or another, even the disbudded ones. And the most pugnacious of the group was a disbudded Saanen doe that was not in the least intimdated by his horns. My herd is mixed horns and disbudded and with some initial infighting (as...