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  1. Chicken Girl

    Breed & Gender help

    Agree it looks like a White Wyandotte, how old is it?
  2. Chicken Girl

    Quotes and thoughts for the day

    Yay! Debby you found us!
  3. Chicken Girl

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    German Shepherd/Lab mix? Probably not even close but I love guessing :)!
  4. Chicken Girl

    Another BYC'er here.

    Welcome fellow BYC refugee :D =D!
  5. Chicken Girl


  6. Chicken Girl

    New member

    :welcome Nice to see a fellow BYCer as well!
  7. Chicken Girl

    New member

    Welcome! I'm a fellow BYC refugee as well :cool:.
  8. Chicken Girl

    Quotes and thoughts for the day

    Great quote!:thumbsup
  9. Chicken Girl

    new BYH member from BYC snce 12-11-14

    Welcome to BYH! Glad to see a fellow BYCer!
  10. Chicken Girl

    Hey, Grandpa, what's for supper ?

    We had left over potatoes, onions, and roast beef (not exactly roast beef but it will pass for now :plbb)
  11. Chicken Girl

    All I need is coffee and my goats!

    Welcome to BYH from Virginia!
  12. Chicken Girl

    What is this chicken thinking?

    I was thinking the same thing! I don't think it would be wrong to do it....:hu
  13. Chicken Girl

    Update - Help identify chick breeds.

    The first one maybe a Production Red or New Hampshire Red (just throwing a guess out there :p).
  14. Chicken Girl

    Thank you so much for letting me know Leyla!

    Thank you so much for letting me know Leyla!
  15. Chicken Girl

    Update - Help identify chick breeds.

    Probably a BSL I'm guessing salmon faverolles I'm guessing this is your Silver laced Wyandotte
  16. Chicken Girl

    What is this chicken thinking?

    See, I'm the taller one!
  17. Chicken Girl

    What is this chicken thinking?

    If you tell the farmer we ate the meal worms...... we know where to find you!
  18. Chicken Girl

    What is this chicken thinking?

    here is another one