Search results

  1. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    Discount Tire was able to fix both rear tires. Left rear was off bead and had a hole, cause unknown. Right tire had a screw in it. Cost ~1.5hrs and $0. I love their road hazard warranty.
  2. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    I had fun attending the auction this morning. There were some nice registered Dorper rams and ewes. They went ~ $160 ewes and $360 ram. Overall prices seemed about $50 lower than last week. My three wethers sold for $110 each. :)
  3. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    Blah. Work sucked and I had to hotdesk at Joe Stupid's station. He has fixed monitor stand set for stupid tall people so ended up working on just my laptop monitor so I didn't get a crick in my neck. The traffic turned trip home into endurance test. I finally made it home and went to work...
  4. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    How far away from animal barn would you put your hay shed? I'm planning on tinning over an old portable shelter so I can buy square bales in bulk. Round bales are more economical per lb but I have no equipment to handle them...
  5. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    My jugs are the 34" tall pig panels from local farm supply store with carabineer clips. If you wanted more secure corner there are corner spirals from Premier 1.
  6. M

    Baymule’s Journal

    @murphysranch Fired hell. They need to contact the police IMMEDIATELY!!!! That is multiple felonies: assault and a hate crime. Here's Washington state. If the daughter is in another state let me know and I'll look it up for you. A known allergen should meet the definition of "noxious...
  7. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    Biggest is 74lbs and the other 2 aren't much smaller. :) The baby sling barely fit around him.
  8. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    For the sale barn, they are white Dorper crosses. Katahdins are unknown. The choices are Dorper, wool, or Barbados.
  9. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    Undecided about Coconut. I may wait until I can get a weight. She may just be in an ugly stage. mid run
  10. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    He's not psycho but I'm not sure I would call him sweet. He is manageable which is good enough. I will keep him until I have a self black or brown ram on property since he gives good babies. The sale barn called back and gave the following numbers for dorper crosses: 40lbs: $80 - 100 50lbs...
  11. M

    rachels.haven's Journal

    The secret attic lab caught on fire. :plbb
  12. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    Oreo and Socks seem over their bug. They were demanding food and ate their flake of hay. Today was the last of 3 days of shots so I will keep an eye on them but I think we are good. :)
  13. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    Not sure how much Coconut and wether lambs weigh. I only have a hand held scale for babies. I'll have to call about market report for sheep. The livestock auction is only about 5 minutes away. The proven registered ewes will be listed for sale thru KHSI registry FB page, etc. They are nice...
  14. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    I need to shuffle sheep or spend more $$ on equipment. I only have 19 but right now they are crowded in one side except Snickers, Socks, and Oreo, LOL. Rams 1 HSC1831 Snickers (7yrs old) KEEPER EWES 11 Cassandra's 4: Mocha, Oreo, Socks, Scarf Mine 7: Aria, Shy Lady, Blaze, Hattie, Misty, Gwynn...
  15. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    They are feeling a bit better. They tried to run away from medicine, LOL.
  16. M

    Coffee anyone ?

    If you want a permanent pond with minimal cleaning, make a bog with water cleaning plants that you pump the water thru. It's called duckponics or quackaponics lol.
  17. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    They are both perkier this morning sitting with heads up observing things. Socks was chewing cud but they still haven't eaten all their grain or hay.
  18. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    I didn't see any snot or hear any crackling when listening with just ear but I treated for pneumonia AND coccidia. I have Naxcel on hand from previous sheep pneumonia with instructions thankfully. I will repeat both and take in if I don't see any improvement by Wednesday evening. Corid everyday...
  19. M

    Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch

    And it never ends. Socks and Oreo are both feeling poorly with scours. Their eye colors seem okay. I'm guessing coccidia. I need to review what to do to treat it.
  20. M

    Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)

    Glad you are safely home. I recommend getting an air filter with UV-C and HEPA. We have several of these and they work great! The light lasts about 1 years and filters about 3months. They really cut down on the kids passing germs back and forth. At a $75/visit co-pay I consider them a deal...