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  1. Louannx

    Emergency - Goat labor

    Dotti kidded two beautiful goat kids. Brown one is doeling and white one is buckling. After 6 hours of long labor I went in and untangled them. The whole process started at 3:30pm yesterday (after 15 minutes posting the prekidding string - Forum: FF Goat Asking Questions), I went in about 10pm...
  2. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    Discussion moved to Emergency - Goat labor forum. Everything ended successfully. Will post pics of doeling and buckling tomorrow. Thank you all for your help, kindness, wisdom and support!
  3. Louannx

    Emergency - Goat labor

    Thank you all! I had to go in for the second one. A beautiful buckling. He only had one foot and head. Could not get the other foot. Dotti pushes and I pulled down and wriggled and our he came. He is white with brown head. Doeling is brown with white strip on head. I don’t believe there are any...
  4. Louannx

    Emergency - Goat labor

    No gloves. I couldn’t feel with them. Put iodine and sanitizer after washing them. Do I need to get her antibotics tomorrow.
  5. Louannx

    Emergency - Goat labor

    So far we got one. I had to go in and pull it out. It's s girl. She’s alive and beautiful. I know there is at least one more. How long do I wait before I go in. Dotti is cleaning her up now.
  6. Louannx

    Emergency - Goat labor

    Pull up then down?
  7. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    Posted it, thanks.
  8. Louannx

    Emergency - Goat labor

    Goat has been in labor but not pushing for hours. Baby blocking canal. Can feel baby or two moving in belly. Have Karo syrup and nutridrench. Do I go back in and pull baby when she’s not pushing.
  9. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    I found emergency section. Don’t know how to post.
  10. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    I do not know if it is deceased. I just figured it was after this long. I have nutridrench. I have syrup. Will give her some. I believe she’s full term.
  11. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    She never pushed very long before contractions stopped earlier. She never beared down or screamed or nothing. It just completely stopped. She went and ate and then stood around for awhile and licked up clear looking stuff. I believe the bag broke on the kid in the canal. Then she dug around...
  12. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    That makes sense. Maybe she wasn’t fully dilated. The baby does not feel big so I wouldn’t know why she couldn’t get it out and just stopped and ate and napped.
  13. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    Thank you! She is in no distress at all. She even took a nap. Once she starts up I will get that baby out. I can see the other baby in there and feel it. Hopefully there is a third one two. But baby in canal was not moving.
  14. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    Maybe I am a bad goat mama after all. I read everything I could all these months and watched so many videos and I still cannot help her at this point.
  15. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    No kids yet. She quit having contractions about 45 minutes into it. They were never really hard contractions. Mild contractions are just starting back up. I went in earlier. Something is blocking the canal but she was not pushing so I could not pull. It was I think a nose and two feet? It was...
  16. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    Is it normal? Two hanging third keeps popping back in.
  17. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    I got three fist size bubbles hanging out. Do I pop them.
  18. Louannx

    FF Goat - Asking Questions

    Here we go I think this time for real. I believe this is the pre-kidding stream. It is not like the gooey stuff she has had at various times this month and not the plug like two days ago. This looks like a clearish string or cord. So could we being talking about minutes to hours now? Does this...