Yesterday I went outside to have a smoke and heard one of my baby goats crying. Thinking momma had laid on one of her triplets again I ran over to check. Found my baby boy screaming his head of and blind. He had been fine a few hrs before. After checking all over I found no other symptoms so I...
So mon morning my goat had triplet boys. The smallest & first born just cant seem to figure out nursing. He will try to nurse everywhere but the teat. Ive had my husband hold herd and stick a teat into his mouth, & he becomes more concerned with getting away then eating. Ive been milking into a...
They are walking around .. a lil wobbly. I dont have a thermometer as mine was lost. the lil girl still has a large amount of very loose white stools. but so far neither is dehydrated. They are back with momma and she is cleaning them. im going to continue to moniter them. they boy was trying to...
I have them under a heat lamp in my livingroom. got the boy to drink a oz or so of bounce back, girl wants nothing at all to do with the bottle. in about four hrs im going to put them back out with momma. that way I can see if she gets milk with the babies gone & it will be warmer outside.
Ive been watching my friends house and feeding her critters. One of her goats who was bred around the same time as mine gave birth to a pair of twins yesterday. ( I show up once a day and feed and water everbody). There was a boy and a girl. the boy seemed kinda weak. I got worried. Made the...
Well she wasnt intrested in food this morning. & is still pretty puffy in the backend. im letting her roam the yard & she just wants to lay down. So fingers crossed ill have baby pics by this afternoon. I thought she was hollowed out last nite...nothing compared to now though. If it wasnt 100+...
So last nite she was dialated..getting up and down, almost didnt look pregnant anymore, raising her front this morning again nothing. My husband is laughing and claimed that why its called "just kidding" Aghhhh! she is driving me crazy! How long can she keep playing with my hopes to...
Around the end of feb my friend picked up 5 dairy goats @ the auction. We were happy to find they were in milk & I purchased one from her. Her milk dropped production & I dried her up. Well about ten days ago I noticed she had milk again. Seven days ago she got ansty started pawing the ground...