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  1. Epona142

    Immutable Goat Facts

    34. Just when you have things figured out, goats show you that you will never know as much as you think you do!
  2. Epona142

    Worms! Help!

    I have tested herbal dewormers on my own herd and a neighbor's herd (with her permission obviously) - in our cases, as obviously it can be different for everyone, there was little to no impact on the internal parasite populations. Fecals were taken a week before dosing, every week during a...
  3. Epona142

    FergusonK's journal - Goodbye Java Jewel.

    Oh yes, that's me. I'm visually impaired so I don't always recognize faces, but if you tell me you're the one who bought that tiny doeling of Nori's three years ago.... got it! :D
  4. Epona142

    FergusonK's journal - Goodbye Java Jewel.

    Yup thought so. I keep better track of goats than I do people. :D
  5. Epona142

    FergusonK's journal - Goodbye Java Jewel.

    JP is a right fine buck. He's going to be for sale after this season, as we'll probably keep a good handful of his daughters and have kept a son from this year. I'm glad Zinnia is feeling better! She makes nice daughters, we have a couple here. :) You'll have to come see me in January! Love...
  6. Epona142

    Immutable Goat Facts

    21. To add to that, bucks will escape no matter how hard you try to prevent it! :barnie
  7. Epona142

    Feeding coffee grounds?

    Oh heavens yes - I've made the mistake of placing an open mug down and lost my coffee, tea, or sodie pop right quick! :D
  8. Epona142

    Immutable Goat Facts

    Goats melt do they? ;) ;) Granted, our goats are practically savages and indulge in all types of wild behavior. Wouldn't really consider our beasts "average" hah. :D An immutable goat fact here however - they will absolutely attempt to stamp you to death to gain access to the dairy for...
  9. Epona142

    Worms! Help!

    That's an excellent post about Safeguard @Southern by choice . For us it's our main dewormer against meningeal worms and it's still quite effective for tapes.
  10. Epona142

    Feeding coffee grounds?

    Joining in on the no - into the garden they go :)
  11. Epona142

    Does our Alpine doeling have worms or . . ?

    Round bellies are not always a bad thing in goats - healthy rumen, healthy goat, but the coarseness of their hair (hair tells you a lot about health sometimes!) coupled with the thin toplines and slight pot bellies would indeed have me running a fecal and doing a copper bolus. Good luck!
  12. Epona142

    Do herbal wormers actually work?

    Yup - the move to doing our own fecals here made a massive difference in parasite control. It's worth it!
  13. Epona142

    Mixed breed herds?

    Many people like to keep several breeds. We keep Nigerian Dwarves and La Manchas here, although the Nigerian Dwarves are my personal breed, and the La Mancha are the dairy's powerhouse milkers. If you're a casual keeper, there is very little downside to having a "confetti" herd, and often quite...
  14. Epona142

    New goat dad in PA

    Looks like folks have you covered - scours can come from many many sources, but running a fecal and looking at the diet are the best first stops.
  15. Epona142

    FF Developing Uneven Udder While Pregnant

    Self-nursers are very hard to break - if not impossible. Some breeders believe they will teach other goats to do it - I am not convinced, but not outside the realm of possibility. Here is a video of a doe self sucking. I've found that the habit is most likely to form in dam raised goats who...
  16. Epona142

    ADGA Colorama sale ND sells for $16,100

    A high quality animal is worth what someone will pay for it, that is for sure. :) I'll stay down here in the affordable section myself, lol, but then again, imagine the pride of having produced such a fine goat. The high price is more than just a bill to pay, it's a sign of recognition for that...
  17. Epona142

    FF Developing Uneven Udder While Pregnant

    Do you have any pictures? A developing udder - precocious included - shouldn't be uneven, and generally my first thought when I spot that is subclinical mastitis. There are several methods of handling this situation that you can find online, or from an experienced vet. Occasionally a doe is...
  18. Epona142

    Just Need a few Questions Answered

    It's quite good! Most of the loose minerals have a good bit of salt in them, which of course goats love. Important for milk making, too. :) So glad to hear all is going well.
  19. Epona142

    Do herbal wormers actually work?

    Haha yeah - I had obviously signed up here years ago, forgot about it, then was reminded when I noticed that video got a bit of traffic from here and came to see all the nice things people said. :) So glad we have a local TSC now!
  20. Epona142

    Do herbal wormers actually work?

    Being the stock manager at a dairy that produces commercial products, it's true, we certainly all have our own ways of doing things and I think every one of us has little regimens like that that other farms might thumb their noses at. Like I tell everyone, what works for one farm may not work...