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  1. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    HELP my rabbit just had babies

    I would not. Although rare, there have been cases when the doe has released eggs twice so two pregnancies at two different stages of development. That these two rabbits have not conceived at all in a year until now is rather odd and kind makes me wonder if there are already reproduction issues...
  2. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    HELP my rabbit just had babies

    I am sorry. It is very difficult for a single kit to survive due to it uses littermates to help regulate its body temperature. I have never had one single kit make it yet, regardless of time of year or temps, even when the doe was experienced and had pulled fur. Start counting the days because...
  3. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    What Color is This?

    @JT17 You should post pictures of your kits so we can help you ID the colors and help you with the genotypes of your breeders! However, if you have one kit that is a REW then your GTS buck is A_ B_ Cc D_ EsE, because a REW kit has to have "cc" and each allele must come one parent. You may have...
  4. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    HELP my rabbit just had babies

    It is quite typical for them to lose weight for the first two days. It is alarming when it is your first time, but it is normal. If you do not see milk in the belly by the end of the third day...then it is time to consider intervening.
  5. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    What Color is This?

    @Pastor Dave I get that. I used to think that broken was the natural combination of a solid color like black and a REW, when I was finding them from crossing NZW and Silver Foxes, however--and this is for anyone reading this that may not know how it works--the broken gene is dominate and always...
  6. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    HELP my rabbit just had babies

    Mother's milk comes in about two days after kindling.
  7. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    What Color is This?

    I have read lots of sites on the Internet, but not all the information is accurate on some. Between those sites that really messed me up with trying to understand steel in particular and the ever patient and helpful Bunnylady teaching me right here on this board, I finally got some it through my...
  8. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    What Color is This?

    Gold-tipped steel. You can see the hairs are ticked with a golden color. Many New Zealand Whites are steel, but you cannot see it because all the color is removed, and some NZ Blacks are actually super steels or have two steel genes "EsEs" that extend the base color fully on the hair shaft to...
  9. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    HELP my rabbit just had babies

    @MatthewsHomestead, you did fine! I am not an expert, just another breeder. However, there are some breeders that do back to back pregnancy like colonies or whatever referring to how it is with wild rabbits, but it is not the best way for raising quality domestic rabbits, in my opinion.
  10. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    HELP my rabbit just had babies

    It's time for the parents to be split up.
  11. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    American Chinchilla vs. Silver Fox

    I use Kintraks because I wanted something not online with a one-time fee and the pedigree can be customized to produce a nice hard copy, but I also signed up with Global Pedigree because so many breeders with my breed use it so I can look back through the lines a long way and see some...
  12. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    Female Rabbits Sweating?

    Rabbits cannot sweat. They have been panting, which means they are not just stressed by the heat but in distress from the heat. You could lose them if you don't cool them down. Frozen water bottles, fans, bring them inside...whatever it takes.
  13. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    American Chinchilla vs. Silver Fox

    So true, @Pastor Dave! And the toughest rabbit meat we had were from the NZWs, now that I think about it. We started with New Zealands: I was not fond of red eyed whites and we found that NZWs are generally more skiddish because they have been commercial raised for many not...
  14. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    American Chinchilla vs. Silver Fox

    I am partial to Silver Foxes, of course, but I do love the chinchilla coloring although I have not had any experience with the breed. I had a rabbit with the chin coat color that was a NZW x SF, with chin being from the the SF (it should not be there but it was). I started with NZW trio almost 8...
  15. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    Looking for Silver Foxes- North Central Florida

    I wondered about that because his website was gone, but he left his Facebook page.
  16. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    Looking for Silver Foxes- North Central Florida

    There are probably more in the area, but I only know of a few, and not very familiar with them. The Rose Rabbitry is in the Ocala area, which has been around for many years. Old English Silvers Rabbitry in Panama City area.
  17. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    Any idea?....

    I know a few meat and show Silver Fox breeders in the southeastern US...besides me, of course. I warn you that it was the SF temperament, compared to my NZWs, that made me fall hopelessly in love with the breed, but there is a lot of poor quality SF in the SE, even for meat stock.
  18. Tale of Tails Rabbitry


    Rabbits, not so far. (I certainly would like 8 to 9 every kindle!) Cats, yes. We had one that had her spring litter of three kittens within two days of Memorial Day every year.
  19. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    Preparing for next step: weaning and grow out

    Okay, again, lots of differing opinions! I have Silver Foxes now and plan to show so fur condition is a big factor for me, but I used to do NZWs, SFs, and crosses for mostly for just meat. I never have bred any does until they had at least two weeks after the mother naturally weaned her kits...
  20. Tale of Tails Rabbitry

    Preparing for next step: weaning and grow out

    You are going to get lots of differing opinions on this, and it comes down to trying and what works with your set up and goals. Typically mine are weaned naturally around four to five weeks old. I remove them typically between five to six weeks. I might leave in the smaller ones for a few more...