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  1. Deecarter

    New to forum

    No. The other goats aren't showing that behavior, but I DID think about fleas since we have the two dogs, but I give both dogs Revolution once a month from the vet for fleas, ticks and heart worms, so I don't think it's fleas. The flies are bothering everyone this time of year. I have some...
  2. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Thank you. After much reading and listening, I really think it’s a menigerial my son and I trimmed hooves yesterday. They look fine and weren’t really terribly overgrown. Just time to do it. I can put it in a banana. I’ve done that before and it works and less traumatic. After reading and...
  3. Deecarter

    New to forum

    @misfitmorgan Yes you are absolutely right! I feel I am about to go broke and the information you give is very common sense and practical. I think I got all caught up in this problem with Sadie Rose and her doe that I have been panicked about not feeding them right. I will try the bolus and...
  4. Deecarter

    New to forum

  5. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Ok. I will do that. I'm nervous about overdoing it on some of this stuff. Will it harm her if she doesn't really need it? Did you watch the youtube video of her? Please let me know what you think.
  6. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Valley Vet on line. Copasure Bolus for Goats I don't think you have to have a prescription. I don't have face book, but our daughter does. Maybe I can get her to upload it. Did you watch it? If so, what do you think?
  7. Deecarter

    New to forum

    If the mineral block I have out there now works, do I still need the copper bolus? Can I overdose them on that?
  8. Deecarter

    New to forum

    I know I can order it online from Valley Vet. If I inject her with this, will I cause her to have too much?
  9. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Ok. I stopped feeding hay when everything greened up here, and I got to thinking that was a big mistake. I can buy hay from local farmers if I go further west from me and it isn't expensive like Tractor Supply. I found a mineral block at Tractor Supply yesterday and put it in an old milk...
  10. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Yes! My vet is expensive and I'm ditching him. I can't afford him. It was supposed to be a $35 charge for the consultation and I ended up paying $122.00 ($50.00 for the consult and the rest on an antibiotic and steroid, which I don't believe helped). He is guessing too at possible Thiamin...
  11. Deecarter

    New to forum

  12. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Well, if my feed is well balanced it would be just the luck of the draw because apparently I don't know much about what I'm doing here, but I'm committed to stick with it. I consider the money I've invested so far to be paying for my education. LOL! I'll get educated and figure all this out...
  13. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Yes, I don't see what it would hurt to feed the alfalfa hay free choice. I have a hay rack in one stall of my barn that looks exactly like the one you posted a link to. I have been feeding small amounts of the Tractor Supply compressed bale morning and evening and a handful of the alfalfa...
  14. Deecarter

    New to forum

    The shot once a year sounds more practical. I'll check with the vet. I know the paste form would be cheaper. I will check to see how low on selenium we are here. The selenium gel tube says to use it only if it is the only source available, so it scares me to use it. I have free choice...
  15. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Thanks for that clarification. I guess I should read the label on my sweet feed bag, right?
  16. Deecarter

    New to forum

    I didn’t know that.
  17. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Thank you so much. All this is very helpful. I watch some videos on Alaska. It’s all very interesting to me. Everything I’ve read about selenium gel makes me nervous because they say you can give them too much. I’m talking to our vet tomorrow and I’m going to ask him about that because I...
  18. Deecarter

    New to forum

    We have fescue, a lot of clover and some weeds in the pasture and then we have woods we’re a lot of brush is. I would have to drive about 4 hours for peanut hay so I’ll look for a mix with orchard grass or settle for Bermuda. I feed them a molasses grain that is 16% protein. Do I still need...
  19. Deecarter

    New to forum

    I live in the west Georgia area. The Bermuda grass is what the local Tractor Supply sells, so that makes sense. I'm pretty sure it's coastal Bermuda. I was planning on putting it at the barn. My barn has a very large front porch that would keep it dry. How much of the pellets do you give...
  20. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Thanks. I am finding out I am doing many things wrong. I ready an article today that said I shouldn't put alfalfa hay out as free choice. I have been giving them small amounts in the morning and the evening to get them used to it and planning on buying a round bale to leave out, but this...