Found Pinky Pie this morning with massive facial swelling and edema, unable to open her mouth without screaming, drooling and overall a very downcast dog. I couldn't find a single wound on her, but couldn't open her mouth to see if she had punctured herself inside....she chews on sticks...
Very, from what I've read, very contagious. I'd do some research on it and the best treatments for it. You'll also want to get them all out of those kind of soil conditions, getting them on fresh, clean soils that are not holding excess water....something with good runoff.
After talking to some old timers with sheep who said their sheep did fine on it, I let them into that paddock....they are eating it now. They have ate most of the milkweed in three days and had some level of milkweed in their last paddock as well, with no ill effects. So, no more cutting down...
Too, too many donkeys kill lambs and kids to trust that donkeys, on the whole, are reliable guardians. Maybe there are exceptions but it's much too risky to find out....can't really train a donkey off killing livestock like you can a young pup.
I got one, sweet as could be with humans and...
Well....found out the fly traps were not attracting flies instead of getting rid of them....the flies are back, with a vengeance. So, ordering the better traps but reusable, so we can get more life out of each trap. The green netting ones were crap, waste of money. The Rescu fly traps were...
Yeah...those unsocialized LGDs, living outdoors all the time and never getting any attention from humans, unable to be handled. Every time I hear about such animals and people's stereotyping these working dogs in that way, I have to laugh. I have velcro dogs living out there and it sounds like...
I can pet Blue and I can give Rose a good scritchin' all I want.... but I have to do it quietly....if I start saying loving things, Pinky has to squeeze herself in between me and the offending animal to get that special kind of loving all to herself. She's a sucker for this and I've tolled her...
What she said! It's relatively cheap compared to other treatments, the ointment goes a long way and the dogs can't see I have it in my hand, ready to apply it, like they can the spray bottles. If I'm real sneaky they can't see me dipping into the container.
It doesn't have a strong smell...
Got a new solenoid for my Honda and it's back to starting right up....I didn't realize how much I depended on it until I couldn't use it! Now I've got parts on order for my left rear axle....squeaking pretty badly when it gets hot, so will pull that wheel and see if it needs new bearings...
I had put up fly traps in the sheep shelter and over the water wagon, but I got to thinking about that.....though they caught MANY flies, I hadn't really SEEN many flies until we put up the traps. I think the baits in those actually brought in more flies than we actually had, so I removed all...
I'm so glad she's better!! And, thanks for the many times folks come on places, asking for advice, then you never hear what happened to the animal after that. Good to know the people on here had some good advice that matched up with vet recommendations and it all worked out...
Mike, your sheep all look so sleek and lovely!!! I can't wait until my flock all looks like that....all close in shape, size and confirmation, consistently putting out lambs of the same each year. :love
It will be. We too are surrounded by woods on all sides but the fleas seem to stay pretty localized in the grass areas where the animals like to lounge and live.
It has one! We are learning brush hogs too....when first we tried it, it wouldn't turn fast enough to cut the grass, but we got some good advice on it and I think it's going to work for us.