I was the poultry coordinator for FFA through high school. We did presentations for 3rd graders for our Ag Fair. We had over 600 kids attend the fair each year! It was an amazing opportunity for us and for the students that came.
Whether she was overwhelmed with too many animals or not, she should have been honest about the condition of the rabbits.
As far as purchasing more rabbits from her, I would definitely be more thorough when you check them over. I would also add a buyer beware if you recommend BR to anyone...
I like the aqua logo too :D
Maybe you could put "Please contact for pricing" for the kids. If you have a set price for the soap, lotion and honey I think you should state pricing for those.
Here are some suggestions from a newbie...
Are you going to put prices for lotion, soap, honey and kids since you have it for milk, eggs and cheese?
Why is "gently" in quotes in your description vs the product list?
Here's a language suggestion for your description:
Jumping the Moon Dairy is...
I've lost several hens that have gotten caught in rolled fencing to lay eggs. We didn't find them in time and they died. Chickens find the craziest of places to lay eggs. Keep looking. I hope you find her :fl
Their behavior is likely directly linked to no rooster. Our BO was about 3 when we butchered her. We put her in the crockpot on low for the day. She wasn't too tough.
We're going to get Australorps when we're ready for chickens. I've had easter eggers, orpingtons and Rhode Island reds.
Production reds are nasty! They've not been bred with good temperament in mind. I will never get any because of that. Mind you, there are bad apples in any breed of animal. I had a down right nasty buff orpington. We didn't have a rooster so she took on the role. She "crowed" and mounted all of...
I wonder if I could put the access doors a couple of feet up so the chickens can fly up and into the coop vs going in from the ground. Maybe that would discourage interest from the goats and pigs. The coop will be sturdy as we get very high winds on a regular basis. Last big storm we had 86 mph...