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  1. lalabugs

    C&D Farming..oh what a life!

    Do you have any side pictures? That shows her whole body/condition.
  2. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Huge single buckling. He was breech, she wasn't making progress. With me pulling while she pushed, we were able to get him out. He's 11 pounds! I feel bad for Marie. She is still in such horrible shape. Her coat is horrible, she's still thin. The plan is to let her raise him, then try to dry...
  3. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Marie is in labor! We have goo and pushing! Over a month earlier than we were told. Cdt was pointless since it was so late.
  4. lalabugs

    C&D Farming..oh what a life!

    Nilla and Opal are both purebred Nigerian Dwarf. Both are registered. With all goats, you could have a good milker or not. I buy goats that come from milk lines (people who milk and can show what the dams are producing). I milk my does starting 12 hours after they give birth. We milk 2 times a...
  5. lalabugs

    Feeding basics...first post since intro

    If you have not already, I would have a fecal ran on them. To make sure you are not dealing with parasites. Since you have a lot of browse for them. I would not worry about hay, until you are close to no browse left. With the buck running with the does, it is only a matter of time before...
  6. lalabugs

    C&D Farming..oh what a life!

    You have a lot of good information given to you. I did get the pictures and will post at the bottom of this. As far as the new goat (when the timing is right). I suggest trying to find local breeders and go see their goats. We have had a few breeds, finding what breeds we love and sticking with...
  7. lalabugs

    C&D Farming..oh what a life!

    I do not have advice on the milk/cheese. I personally use our milk from our goats for us. The first few months the milk is used for any bottle babies. We do not sell the milk or sell cheese, etc. Here in CA sales of milk and cheese products are heavily regulated. I can only sell for pet use...
  8. lalabugs

    Feeding basics...first post since intro

    Are these goats in good health or are you trying to put weight back on them? How long have you had them? Where i live we have no browse, unless you count tumbleweeds? Due to that i feed hay 24/7. With as much browse as you're describing, you may not need to supplement for awhile. How fast...
  9. lalabugs

    C&D Farming..oh what a life!

    What is your goal with the goats? How old are the kids you are talking about possibly wanting to breed this year?
  10. lalabugs

    Bottle feeding mini Nubian kids

    How much do each of them weigh? For a mini nubian I would be expecting them to be eating more than 8 or 9 ounces each feeding. They may nibble hay at that age, but they do not really start eating hay at that age. My 5 day old ND is nibbling at hay, but not eating it. As far as grain, I do not...
  11. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    I shaved Marie yesterday. Her udder is getting big, no where near full. I can not wait for her to freshen to see her full udder and what she produces.
  12. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    My daughters are in love with him. Trying to convince me we have a purpose to keep him. If only he was a she.
  13. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Nyx had a LARGE mini mancha buck. I was really hoping to get a doe out of her. He weighs 8lbs!!! We had to help pull him, since he was so large. He's adorable! He'll be a great pet for someone.
  14. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Nyx is in labor! It's the early small pushes right now. Udder is full and tight, ligaments are gone. Ligaments have been gone since last night. Love her FF udder. Can not wait for her to start really pushing!
  15. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    M4 is the doeling we are retaining, we named her Ruth. I love Ruth's color. DH loves M3 coloring. M3 and M5 are reserved. They have a wonderful home lined up. I am anxiously waiting for Nyx to go into labor. Her udder is not full, ligaments are soft. She has already dropped. Today is day 147...
  16. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Took some better pictures of the does. M3 & M4 were on my bed when I took the pic. I'm retaining M4.
  17. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Nyx's udder is filling, but no where near full. Today is day 146 for Nyx.
  18. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Nilla kidded this morning. Day 142. Triplet does!!!! Same buck that bred Rhea. Complete different coloration! We are retaining 1 doe. We pulled her to bottle feed. The other two are with Nilla.
  19. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Today is day 145 for Nyx. Not much change in her udder. Nilla however, big change! She's walking funny because of how big it is.
  20. lalabugs

    Lalabugs 2020 kidding thread

    Now the countdown is down to Nyx and Nilla, who will deliver first? 150 days for Nyx, is day 146 for Nilla. Nillas udder is big!!! She's going to have a big udder once she finishes filling. I can not wait for these two to kid. I had to move Nyx into the stall next to the kidding pen. Nyx is to...