M4 is the doeling we are retaining, we named her Ruth. I love Ruth's color. DH loves M3 coloring. M3 and M5 are reserved. They have a wonderful home lined up.
I am anxiously waiting for Nyx to go into labor. Her udder is not full, ligaments are soft. She has already dropped. Today is day 147. We're calling for snow tomorrow. If Nyx listens to the doe code, sometime during the snow storm she will go into labor.
Nyx is in labor! It's the early small pushes right now. Udder is full and tight, ligaments are gone. Ligaments have been gone since last night. Love her FF udder. Can not wait for her to start really pushing!
Nyx had a LARGE mini mancha buck. I was really hoping to get a doe out of her. He weighs 8lbs!!! We had to help pull him, since he was so large. He's adorable! He'll be a great pet for someone.
Huge single buckling. He was breech, she wasn't making progress. With me pulling while she pushed, we were able to get him out. He's 11 pounds!
I feel bad for Marie. She is still in such horrible shape. Her coat is horrible, she's still thin. The plan is to let her raise him, then try to dry her up to get in better shape.
All the babies are growing. Nillas babies are all 8.5 lbs. Nyx's buck is at 14.7. Maries buck is up to 14.8. I need to get some pictures of the babies. They're all so adorable.
Marie was not producing enough milk for her buckling. We had to pull him to bottle feed. I am emotional when it comes to Marie. She should not have been bred in the shape she was in before we got her. When we brought her home, she had internal and external parasites, was anemic, and severely under weight. You can feel every bone with no meat/fat to her. Even after getting all her parasite issues taken care of, the attempt to get her in better condition did not happen because it all went to her buckling.
Now she's in milk. At first she was not making much milk. To the point we had to pull her buckling. He had no life to him. He laid around all day, he would get up and eat. Then go right back to sleeping, he lacked energy when up. He was wobbly and only getting worse. Right now we are milking Marie, until we can wean her buckling. Once we wean him we will be drying Marie up.