I wish they would consider the prices....especially something like the flow hive whose production and demand have been through the roof. It would give the rest of us a chance to experience it as well.
Thermosolar seems very interesting.
Our buck has been very active all fall. he has peed all over the place. :barnie I'm now starting to see some hair loss on one side of his nose.
Would the acid from his pee be causing this? I keep trying to clean it off....but he likes to b very stinky! :sick Is there anything I can do to help...
Very very rainy here. Mite treat mentioned was great...according to grid board. Saw some flying during a brief dry spell. All sound full and happy from the outside, can't open yet due to temp and rain.
According to what I was told he should be about 9 months now. He is over 100lbs...not sure exactly.
About 2 tall and maybe closer to 3ish feet head to tail. His ears do look like my potbelly's ears...his spotting reminds me of gos.
First of all hooray! The piglets have arrived. Have a total of 6 healthy babies and mom is good.
I was checking in to see if I need to vaccinate piglets for anything or give booster shots, like u do for goats?
That's what I thought. Many people around here have bees and I see some of the hives covered....not around the sides but covered from one side over the top to the other side, leaving the front and back uncovered. I was/am unsure of the need or benefit. My concern is that covering would prohibit...