My three year old ram has only ever butted my husband's hand once while he was opening the pin. Even my two and four year olds shepherd him and he is permanently with his ewes. We showed him early though that we were in charge by flipping and sitting on him at the first sign of intimidation. He...
She has never lambed. I don't see her scratching, so I don't think she is itchy. I would think of it was lice the other six sheep would be affected, as they are keptin a pin until we let them out to graze. The wool is missing from both sides and comes off in big chunks, often on thorns, but...
I have a two year old Jacob Sheep ewe that is shedding her fleece. She was shorn last year with no issues. Is this a sign of a disease or deficiency? No one else in the flock is having this issue. She has lost about 1/2 of her fleece so far.
She has not been vocal at all. She has been much more aware of the cows across the street, but that's been for the last two weeks, so not a a clear indicator. We are only going to be able to leave her a week, which is why I'm trying to become a cow heat expert.
We shepherd her with the sheep during the day, then pen her up at night. She hasn't acted any differently with me, and I'm out with her at least 3 hours a day. She actually charged an ewe today, then got run off by the ram.
I have a 15 month old Jersey heifer I want to breed. The bull is 2+ hours away and they charge $150/week as the fee, so we will only be leaving her there 1 week. So, I need to get really good at recognizing when she is in heat to time it right. Most of what I've read about signs she is in heat...
I haven't read everyone elsed post, but DH took down a chain link fence and we use that for out goats, sheep, and cow (not all mixed together). You actually do not want to use a tractor to pull the posts if it is old, or the metal could bend. He dug down until he hit the concrete, then used a...
We found a puppy yesterday ans put her in our kennel so the coyotes would not get her. I know she's hungry. Can I give her somw calf milk replacer? She can't be more than a few weeks old.
I have read that a goat keeping its tail down is a sign of illness, but from my observations of my Nigerians, I don't think that is always the case. They all keep their tails down wgen it's really cold outside. Can anyone shed light on what a goat's tail veing down might indicate. Thanks.
I have a 12 month old Jersey heifer and I am starting to think about breeding. Are there any resources where people offer stud services? We are not interested in A.I. and are not prepared to own our own bull, as we have heard Jersey bulls are the most aggressive of the dairy breeds.