Ram Thoughts


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I carried a 4' piece of galvanized for a Longhorn bull I had. He would paw the ground, lower his head and charge. I stood in a batter up position and whalloped him across the nose when he got to me. I made it hurt. He stopped, shook his head and I clobbered him some more. He ran, I chased, yelling and beating him with that pipe. A few rounds of that and I only had to point that pipe at him to stop him in his tracks. Sometimes I ran at him with the pipe, beating him with it, just to keep him on his toes. One day he caught me without it. I didn't even have a stick. He started pawing, I had no where to run to, so I squatted down. That flipped that stupid bull out and he stretched his neck, walled his eyes, tilted his head, trying to figure out where I went and what was THAT! I slowly stood up, holding my arms out in my best Longhorn imitation, then head down, I CHARGED! That scared him, he turned tail and ran.


True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
EDIT: I suppose I should preface this by stating that I may be a bit jaded with regards Rams.

Just my two cents.

I've had Rams that we treated like angels, being kind to them and all that and I've had Rams that we let in the barn and let out of the barn. No difference between either.
I think much of it had to do with nature. From my very limited experience, all Rams will.... Ram, it just depends on how much. If you put a child in with a ram you're asking for a hospital bill and probably more.
I think it only a question of how quickly will they get you.
All that said, I do have ONE ram who has yet to even try to head butt me, my wife or my children. This could be because it's barely a year, it watched the alpha ram hit everything and just hadn't had a chance yet.
Don't know, but I think it's nature, you have bad and you have worse, I just try to get only bad.


Overrun with beasties
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
My three year old ram has only ever butted my husband's hand once while he was opening the pin. Even my two and four year olds shepherd him and he is permanently with his ewes. We showed him early though that we were in charge by flipping and sitting on him at the first sign of intimidation. He killed his two ram lambs when breeding season came around, even though he was fine with them until that point.