Born 7/19/11
S: Buttin'Heads Epiphus
D: HM Sarah Lee
Dam milks over 3 lbs a day. Doe kid will be a great little home milker. Buck kid available as a pet wether or grade buck.
Doe is $125.00
Buck is $75.00
Disbudded, on the bottle. Come with NMGA applications.
I suggest that your farm's feeding practices killed your doe. Ivermec doesn't cause bloat, but it CAN cause sudden anemia from worm-dump, which by your vet's account is not what this doe died from. Instead, she died from bloat, which was caused by something in her diet (and, no, orally...
If your goats are not clinically sick...NO, you don't need to treat them for cocci. It's quite normal to see cocci on a fecal for adult goats.
Deccox & Rumensin are found in medicated feeds. Adults can be given these, more important for kids though. Dimethox IS a sulfa.
Your anemia problem...
The problem you will come around to seeing is that vets have less of a vested interest in really studying goats - because until VERY recently, goats were a 2nd class livestock, rarely owned as pets and as such, VETS get about 1 week on them in school. Seriously. Other than the vets who service...
Both, sort of. You use it as a preventive treatment in kids...or a clinical treatment for active cases.
Deccox, Rumensin...coccistats are true prevention via medicated feeds...but they also don't substitute sulfas.
brown buckskin; star
Sounds like you're filling out an NMGA registration? She's not agouti (no frosting) so put NO there, and just type in buckskin. The registrar hasn't put Nigi colors on the app yet, it's still geared towards Pygmy coloration.
Cool! :cool:
Some of the prettiest, clean heads I've seen were babies who were disbudded by a knowledgeable vet around 3 days old. They just put them in a restraint, used a local, peeled the skin back and removed the bud, then closed the wound. (this according to the description of the owner...