Located near western part of the state, nead Mercer, pa. Will be looking for two or three full size alpine goat does and an alpine buck in the late spring. Hoping to find a doe in milk. Had a great buck a year ago and someone first shot at him, thankfully missed then nicely poisoned him. You...
Mini horses, glad to meet you. It sure is nice to know your not alone in the world. As i lounge here beside my oil lamp, contemplating how I'll get the water from the lake quarter of a mile down the road to the stock, since i just got a pic line. No i already know how because we've been there...
Farmerjan, lot of good points. And in this day and age where we have someone building a chicken run putting two wheels on it and calling it a chicken tractor because its a "new idea" and making compost in "a month" and this new way of "raising crops". Is all wonderful and I'm very glad to see...
Your thinking is right and another fellow who said to use them for dog food. Heres the thing. Female cattle(dairy) produce milk. Male dairy cattle can breed as an adult over 40+ females, if using artificial insemiation that bull can breed 1000s. What do you do with the rest of the bull calves...
I do know what you mean about aussies though, I raise them and am starting to get heard of. 5 of my next litter are already spoken for and won't have a litter til have 8 on the barrelhead. The problem I have is people always tell me that docking isn't right but if you have ever seen a dog with a...
Of course it takes 18 to 20 months, but I figure if you have an extra teat on that cow or an extra goat in milk and some sort of pasture or a source of good hay it can be done. In 18 months, I butchered a jersey steer and the 300 lbs of marbled meat we got from it was not only tasty but great...
Greetings Wildbird, I'm from Pa, glad to have you aboard, all though i love my pets; 2 jersey cows expecfing, 5 heritage hogs, 4 aussie herd dogs, 2 goats needing replaced other 2 drove me nuts with their constant mischief, 5 rabbits, running loose and funny watching them and the dogs outsmart...
Sorry i guess you havent read more of my posts. I have raised unwanted calfs to 600 or 750 pounds. Just off of goats milk, keopectate, Gatorade, aspirin. And never used anything from a vet. Once they where weaned they where turned out on pasture and supplimented good ground grain and boy the...
Why not? A while back 25 years in the dairy goat journal there was an article where the auther of the article was raising a calf or calves from the auction and showed a picture of a goat on a milk stand and a calf nursing from the goat. Once its weaned then its put on grain and pasture. And...
One of the other things we need to do is find other products and ways to sell our product. People around me don't like 200 to 250 pounds of meat in the freezer for two, three years so I'm breeding an asian heritage hog cross to meet their wants, all the cuts but not the years in the freezer.
If their just young small calves use your wisdom and figure out what their illnes is , club foot tape the foot up till the calf puts enough weight on it to straihhten it out, twigs and popcicle sticks make great spints. Theres always a way to heal with the smarts we're given snd a prayer and...
Why not, there was an article in dairy goat magizine many years back, can't remember who wrote it now but showed someone with the goat on the milking stand and a calf nursing from the goat. Another thing i found was when i use to make cheese i would give the goat kids replacement and they would...
About 25 years back or so we heard of an true story at the auction and it went like this. There was a pickup with a jersey bull calf in it with a free sign on the calf. When the farmer came out of the auction there where 10 more calves with him. I heard that calves where bringing more now i...
When I was a youngster I raised 150 rabbits, building my pens, runs, and my equipment. I would go every night after school and cut fresh alfalfa, leafy greens when my dad wasn't watching the garden, oats, (mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, a kid will eat ivy to wouldn't...
I have Brover, Becky, and 7 new puppies that will be ready for Christmas. The dogs are purebred Australian Shepherds and herd cows, formally goats, geese, ducks, chickens, and once in a while people. I have worked with them daily not once or twice a day, they live with me, eat with...
I may not make some people happy by my response but here goes. We, having amish or not in my ancestry, had draft work horses on the farm as I was growing up. They where feed a half bale of hay in the morning 2 ears of non gmo corn, and a gallon of oats. Similar ar nihht and all the water they...
We have an old boy scout damn that was put in 45 to 50 years ago. Beaver started building on top of it 35 years ago, state fought with them for 30 years and have now abandoned the road, (state lost), after taking the BS damn down to creek bed. Beaver moved in and have damned over two areas...
You might consider, when we were children we would have shetland pony studs and the like. The pony studs would bully the draft horses. However when we harnessed them and workrd them all day they where just to tired to harass any thing. If you could put the little guy on a rotating lead that...