I would check temps. Could be pneumonia or parasites. I would tend to think the two new young ones brought something like pneumonia which is not that uncommon for little ones to get. I would HIGHLY recomend getting CD&T vaccinations into all of them if that was not done when by the former...
I dont mess around when I find mastitis. I treat it agressively from the start and rid it as fast as I see it. Its terrible for them...and it can do alot of damage at times if not treated right. Ive seen some messy udders that were not taken care of right from the get go! Sad :( Im not...
Its very good for them...and remember they have four stomachs to break that stuff down in!!! :gig Its rich in vitamin C, B, B12 and A. Good stuff for them.
Personally I would also start her on an systemtic anitbiotic for 10 days as well. Very important. And you should do 4 to 5 infusions 12 hours apart and really massage that udder to get all the medicine in there. Dont touch the uninfected udder. Mastitis is hard to get rid of. And if not...
Are they bloated??? Or did they eat anything new?? My first attempt with the electrolytes I always add baking soda and check the rumen sounds. The left side dos'nt always extend so large to the point that its obvious.. I would tap the rumen, and make sure they are burping and passing gas. And...
I keep mine in the barn in the evenings as well. But we do have preditors around. I think there are pretty much preditors anywhere it would be a matter of choice. But goats can handle a three sided hut no problem. Seen it done many times. You might wanna think about making another stahl in...
We have high iron in our well water as well. I have to copper bolus them because iron will absolutely hinder copper absorption in goats. But what I do is put a few tablespoon of Apple Cider Vineger in their water buckets...and it actually separates the iron and you will notice the iron...
Store bought goats milk is NOTHING like fresh goats milk...FYI. Its totally differant. Keep things clean as stated...and try fresh goats milk...you'll love it. I dont know how they make it so yukky...but I have had the same expirence with store bought goats milk. I have 2 does who are in...
Goatmasta - Sorry I should of elabortated. They are dam raised and have not been away from their Moms ever and are not weaned yet. So he feels...and I agree...that they may get soooo stressed from the travel that may have issues with minor bloating. With the rumen being shut down for a bit...
Thanks so much. I actually decided to call the vet cuz I didnt want to get it wrong and have to reschedule. Just got off the phone with him. He stated that it really is'ant necessary and we can hold off grain in the am if we want to and hay and water only, as you stated. But he said moreover...
My two bucklings are going under anesthesia for scur removal tomorrow and I forgot to ask the vets if I have to withold food in the am???? Their appts at 3pm. Anyone know??? I will hold off till they open tommorrow and call...but I usually feed them earlier than the open??? I would assume I...
I love that picture!! Stickin her tounge out!! :gig They can bag up anywhere from 30 days prior to delivery or a few days. Depends on the goat. No help there I know!! But the next time she will will be approx to the sametime as the first time, if that helps? If its a first timer I always go...
:clap Love it!!!!
GOATHERD...I think your on to something. If we all put our valuables in our grain buckets the goaties would be a great security force!!! :lau
Great idea!!! I pack my buck all the time. Hes fabulous when he has a job. They are very smart animals...and as all of us do..when were really board we get in trouble. :lau
But training them...teaching them tricks etc..keeps them out of trouble.
I get a few kicks when the bowls empty! But I have the same problem with my stanchion my husband buillt. Perfect for milking...but I gotta climb up and straddle to do back feet as well. By the time I get everyone done Im a little sore from being hunched over for so long!! I want a smaller one...