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  1. meme

    how to catch an emu

    Thanks, it sounds fun to catch an emu. :)
  2. meme

    their here!

    :D :/ :lol: :rolleyes: :cool: ;) :D :( :) :/ :P :lol: :rolleyes: :cool: I am so excited my 2 baby turkeys/ poults, and 25 baby chicks are coming. Well I have to go pick them up at the post office, but their getting closer, and closer every second. Well bye, I have to go get them...
  3. meme

    how to catch an emu

    :lol: :P I saw a bucket of food out there for it, so I guess it won`t have to be tied up on my dads boat thing. By the way my dads only 40. :D
  4. meme

    will my turkey kill my chicken????

    Thanks pat, I can`t wait to get them, their coming in three days, this wednesday. Thanks, :)
  5. meme

    will my turkey kill my chicken????

    thanks for the help! I am willing to let them free range together during the day, but if they don't get along I can separate them. When they are little, I am going to brood them in different areas so they can eat turkey starter. Thanks again, we are very excited. :)
  6. meme

    will my turkey kill my chicken????

    :D, Hi, I am getting 2 baby turkeys, and 35 baby chicks in 5 days. I am worried that my turkeys will kill my chickens, but they are not going to be in the same pen, when they are chicks, or grown ups. Thanks, :D :D
  7. meme

    how to catch an emu

    Thanks guys, I don`t have an horse trailer, but I have a thing that my dad puts his huge boat on. I am pretty sure it will fit on that, and I could just tie his legs, and my dad ,and I can hold him on the thing that holds the boat, and my mom can drive us home. I am not planning to keep him...
  8. meme

    how to catch an emu

    Hi, I was wondering how to catch an emu, because I found an emu....... I was just driving down the road close to my home, and there was an emu just sitting there!!!!! It has been 4 days know, and it is still sitting there. The only problem is that I don`t know how to catch an emu, or transport...
  9. meme

    Are Bronze turkeys aggressive?

    I was wondering if Bronze turkeys are aggressive? I called the feed store Reynolds Ranch today, I asked them if I could place a order. They said no though because they had already ordered their turkeys, and they said they were getting bronze turkeys,and I know they are huge, and the meat kind...
  10. meme

    my cute hamster and his little bottle of benebac

    Got a new hamster, named Buddy.
  11. meme

    pics of my new hamster!

    My new hamster!
  12. meme

    advice for taking care of a hamster/ I got one

    Well, of course there will be a wire top on there. What type of cage would you suggest then?
  13. meme

    advice for taking care of a hamster/ I got one

  14. meme

    vet problems

  15. meme

    problems problems.....

  16. meme

    any chicken coop plans

    Hi, I am going to build a fairly large chicken coop for my chickens. Does anyone have some plans for building one, I all ready have one coop, but I am going to let my ducks, and geese have that. Thanks, :D
  17. meme


  18. meme

    bump on my dogs tummy.

  19. meme

    Hi im new here so here are a lot of pics of my other animals

    cute animals, now you just start posting thing wrong with your animals, and people will help you with it. My dog has a big bump on her tummy , she has had a big bump on her before but it was smaller, and it had a sticker inside of it. But this one is huge and i don`t know what to do. If you want...
  20. meme

    teaching your cat to go poop in your toilet.
