Chillin' with the herd
I helped a neighbor catch one of her loose emus that was on my property once. My horses were snorting and blowing and staring at a huge boulder. I went to investigate what the problem was and saw this goofy big eyed thing with a long neck come periscoping up above the boulder. Now this was probably 25 years ago or so when emus outside of zoos were very uncommon.
I ran in the house and called her . "Nancy you have a loose emu over here!" I exclaimed breathlessly, to which she replied "Are you sure it's mine?"... yeah, nice try... Any way... she brought her horse trailer, we cornered the silly thing and put a gunny sack over it's head, and guided it into the trailer... Did I mention that emus are really fast?
I know the question was resolved, just wanted to share my emu story
I ran in the house and called her . "Nancy you have a loose emu over here!" I exclaimed breathlessly, to which she replied "Are you sure it's mine?"... yeah, nice try... Any way... she brought her horse trailer, we cornered the silly thing and put a gunny sack over it's head, and guided it into the trailer... Did I mention that emus are really fast?
I know the question was resolved, just wanted to share my emu story