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  1. mully

    guard donkey's

    I have a mini male gelded and he works out fine ...likes to chase them but you know goats they get in his face until he has had enough... funny to watch.
  2. mully

    To get goats or not to get goats?

    What ever you do not rush into this. Be prepared and know you CAN do this even though you want to. If you plan right you can be totally ready when it is time to get goats.... you Both have to agree so work out the details so no one, your husband or the goats.
  3. mully

    Breeding llama too early

    Is she showing any signs of being pregnant? At her age she would be very wide and the belly slump. Since her due date is right around the corner her vulva would be very swollen also. Does she show any of these signs?
  4. mully

    Breeding llama too early

    I agree 100% ... she would be too young to deliver and you could loose her. Don't risk it!
  5. mully

    Sid Update and Maybe a Buddy? NEW UPDATE

    I have 6 males that live together and do not fight, none are gelded ...they romp and play and never any problems. If at any time a llama gets very aggressive sure have him gelded. This is not always a "cure" because with some animals gelding just does not change them. I have a mini donkey that...
  6. mully

    Sid Update and Maybe a Buddy? NEW UPDATE

    Don't geld him right away ...see how he progresses. Intact males make better llamas IF they are socialized. Keep them both apart for about a week then introduce them slowly. Males do not usually have a problem with each other if there is no female in sight. You might want to have your vet...
  7. mully

    sausage recipe

    A 4:1 meat to fat is standard and that is about 25% to 30%. You can go as high as 50% but that is a little greasy for my taste ...think you will be happy at 25%.
  8. mully

    VA - Komondor Puppies For Sale

    You forgot to mention much ??
  9. mully

    Halters or collars or rope halter/lead

    :lau Diapers will not work on a goat... they will chomp them off and eat the stuffing :gig
  10. mully

    electric wire stretching

    I have had no luck with the plastic ones as I use #12 wire and they would do very little...keep your reciept
  11. mully

    electric wire stretching

    You need to install a in line strainer in line with each wire. To see an image go here ; TS also sells these... about $3 to $5 each
  12. mully

    can i feed bread to goats ?

    Not a great idea... too much starch and yeast. Yes as a treat but not every day
  13. mully

    15 month old filly kicking problem.

    I agree with freemotion.... the older horse wants to dominate ans after some fuss the dust will settle and she may find her place ... remember she may see you as a member of the "herd" and is giving you the boss treatment... you may have to earn your place in line. I have a donkey that would...
  14. mully

    From the Wilds of Montana!

    Work with him every day. Do not leave a halter on him, halter him every day and take him for a walk... he will come to expect this and enjoy the time with you. Do not hand feed him because he will expect this and is not good for his training. Patience is key as llamas take awhile to trust...
  15. mully

    Used A New Meat Processor......... Hmmm

    Call the slaughter house and tell them what you suspect .... maybe they will "work" something out. Tell them you are going to have the meat DNA tested. Then look for another butcher.
  16. mully

    From the Wilds of Montana!

    Your llama will be get along with other pasture animals but your llama will do much better in the company of another llama. What gender is the llama and what will you be doing with it. They need to be socialized so you can halter and take the animal on a lead. I pack my llamas and only have...
  17. mully

    Land lease for sheep

    Ask around your area ...then ask the people how much they want to lease their land... you may get a good price that way.
  18. mully

    Goats and Orange Trees

    My smaller pasture 100 X 170ft was fenced 62 years ago with black locust posts. When i bought this place i took off all the old barbed wire and put up high tensile wire on those old posts ... they are so solid with no rot and hard as iron. Hard to get good black locust around here any more that...
  19. mully

    Buckling with unusual behavior

    I would not worry.... he will come around in his own time. Some bucks need a year. You could get the vet to do a testosterone test to see where he is. Maybe he is under stress :lau
  20. mully

    Mollys Herbals goat wormer

    I use it all the time and most goats will resist it at first. Mix with molasses make a small ball and press the ball between 2 gingersnap cookies and they will suck it down. Now they know the smell so the next time they will take the ball... you can give a cookie as a chaser.