I bought me some Mollys Herbals goat wormer, and my goats DETEST it, even mixed with molasses. Any tips or tricks to get them to actually eat the stuff??
Follow the instructions for making the herbal balls. Straddle the goat so you can clamp their neck between your knees like a stanchion, and push a ball into the corner of the mouth, behind the front teeth, on top of the tongue, and as far back as you can get it without getting your finger between those molars. Hold the mouth gently shut with your hands on either side so you can catch the ball when the goat spits it out. Repeat. Swear a bit. Wipe your sweat often, as goats hate getting dripped on. When the goat spits the ball out for the fourth time and you can no longer make it into a ball again, go to the house for a drink and to make up more balls. Try again.
Just kidding. Sort of. I found that all of my goats liked it after the first force-feeding, and all but one will now take it willingly. The one who won't doesn't struggle when I straddle her, and only spits out the first one (it is a doeling so I have to break it up into smaller balls) once and then obviously enjoys the rest. But still makes me work for it. Little twit. Good thing she is cute!
i use hoegger's goat supply herbal wormer - but its the same-ish thing.
for 2 of my goats i just sprinkle it on their food and they eat it. for the other one i put a little bagged feed in a container sprinkle the powder on, dribble a little water (about a tablespoon?) and mix it up. the water just makes the powder stick to the food. easy peasy...and sometimes i give a small handful of cracked corn so she doesnt know in her eating frenzy that she's getting the wormer
The first several times my baby togg spat it out. After that no problems. My adult togg never refused one. I make my own version based on Molly's. Be sure to roll the finished product in more of the Slippery Elm Root Powder - this is the key ingredient.
My goats were very very suspicious. I gave them very small pieces and they sniffed it for several minutes before they finally took it. Once they did, they were hooked. Well two out of three goats. The other doe did not like it.
Also if you break it into small pieces and put it in with the goat feed ("grain") they might eat it along with the rest.
I use it all the time and most goats will resist it at first. Mix with molasses make a small ball and press the ball between 2 gingersnap cookies and they will suck it down. Now they know the smell so the next time they will take the ball... you can give a cookie as a chaser.